After I typed what Dawkins said, I was thinking about how certainly you can put together a program of study called "theology" which would involve studying everything related to religion - history, languages, etc. However, I'm not sure what the difference is between a degree in "theology" and a degree in "mythology." I guess each discipline has its slight variations.
do you have A degree in Theology
by jam 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
"Mythology" is actually a word misused by the public. In the vernacular people use the word to mean "a fictional story."
"Mythology" is not that but a genre of work that claims a divine origin for either a situation or an event. It doesn't mean "fairy tale." It can use fiction or fable or it can be composed of legendary elements, but its not meant to be historical. It's an explanation of how some event in history is viewed, a commentary on it from a certain point of view.
It's like when people say that the "theory" of evolution is not true because otherwise they wouldn't call it a "theory." Again that's a mistake. The word "theory" doesn't mean something that hasn't been proved. On the contrary, the word for that is "hypothesis."
That which is called "theory" is a principle which conforms to empirical data or evidence. Calling the principle of evolution a "theory" is saying that it is no longer a mere "hypothesis."
The point I'm trying to get across is that we should feel a strong enough sense of dignity for who we are and what we believe that we do not have to resort to words that are inaccurate or even insulting. I may not be an atheist, but I'm not about to insult the use of reason and logic and what they achieve with their intelligence which, often, is expressed because they want people to be freed from superstition and that which could harm them. Just because I do not believe that my religious convictions harm me does not give me a reason to use hurtful speech or write things in a forum which, if were said to me could cause hurt. I've even apologized here where my words might have done that. I have close friends and family who are atheists, and I believe prejudice or bigotry or hateful speech toward one is, to some degree, hurtful even to a small degree to my loved ones who share that conviction.
To delegate what Jewish people and Christian people and others view as sacred to words like "fairy tale" is very painful, vicious in the eyes of some, sacrilegious to others. I believe you do my friends and family harm who do not believe in God by making others come to the conclusion that all that atheists want to do is promote hateful speech, that all they can and want to do is delegate their arguments to mere insults and inaccuracies.
I don't believe that. I believe atheists are people just like me, who are generally very caring, ethical, fair, balanced, and often more reasonable than some. I trust that they are.
But acting this way just because this is a "forum" and it's within my "right" to say whatever I want about another's belief or use any words I want does not make it the right thing to do.
Again as I've said before, if I want to hear people degraded for their convictions, regardless if they are atheists or theists, I could have stayed in the Kingdom Hall.
I do but it's invisible and my tutor only talks to me telepathically.
Juan Miguel; My intention when I ask the question, was not to
degraded people for their convictions. My intention was,
why A profession that influence the greater number of humans
and the way the veiw the world and other humans, govern every
aspect of their life not have A degree in Theology.
Psaramento, have A mechanical engineering and Business degree,
he,s the man I would go too if I have A question about the
practical application of mechanics, but I would never go to
someone that got his degree on line in medicne to operate
on my prostate. The point I was trying to make is, if you
are in the profession to teach and people lives are effected
by what you say, should you be proficient in the very book
that you teach.
My statements were not directed to you, Jam. I think you asked a great question and showed perfect respect. I was speaking to the comments made by InterestedOne.
PSacramento hi,
Actually I'm interested in Theology studies also. Not quite sure why though. There is a nagging little feeling in the back of my mind that I would be disappointed.
However, I follow your posts and like your steadfastness and ideas. You would do well I think, if you ever did pursue this degree.
JM - Sorry. I'm in the middle of the God Delusion by Dawkins, so his ideas are fresh in my mind. I just threw his opinion into the mix as something to consider regarding theology. You clarified some terms though, so thank you.
Be sure to get your MBA first, so that you can cash in.
JK, Leader of The Church of John
PSacramento hi,
Actually I'm interested in Theology studies also. Not quite sure why though. There is a nagging little feeling in the back of my mind that I would be disappointed.
However, I follow your posts and like your steadfastness and ideas. You would do well I think, if you ever did pursue this degree.
The money could go to better places, LOL !
I haven't made a decision one way or another but I love to read and to study about history and God so theology seemed like a good way to go.
Thanks for the kind words and advice :)