This all reminds me of my own time reporting.
My parents would do what they could to get the family out at least one Saturday per month for at least 2 hours. I would of course report that time - I didn't have much choice since my father was responsible at the time for collecting all the service reports.
When I hit 18 and moved out on my own to a different town, my "real" field ministry dropped to zero, although I still reported time. At first it was hours similar to what I reported while living at home... about 10 hours per month. I'd put a different number every month... sometimes 9 hours, sometimes 12 and so on so it appeared to be more real on the monthly reports. That soon dropped to 1 hour per month just to put in a number... This 1 hour thing continued for about 10 years... I still attended some meetings simply because it was expected... so since i was attending, I was also pressured into submitting a report. Funny thing is, for virtually the entire time I never once was out in FS with anyone in the cong.. but no one questioned it as long as I submitted some kind of report.
Eventually I clued in that no one was really checking on me... so I stopped submitting FS reports altogether. I was hounded a few times to begin with, but soon that stopped. They never asked... I never volunteered any info.
This was not just in one cong either, but stretched over many congs in at least 3 or 4 different countries over the space of about 20 years.
I know I'm not the only one that has done this. I remember looking at the YearBook, and checking the service reports for various countries and wondering how many of those hours were faked. i knew I wasn't the only faker... I guessed that at least half of the people I was aquainted with at the time... maybe even more, faked their FS reports.... extend that out over a city... a country... that's a LOT of fake hours.
Hmmmm just like so much in the JW thing... fake everything.