For so many reasons. Not the truth, liars for hundreds of years, such a lack of love, cruelty to those who do not believe any longer and to those still in, waste of a life, willful murder of children by not taking life saving blood transfusions, hyprocrisy, favortism, child abuse....etc....I HATE IT!!!!!!
I HATE THIS CULT!!!!!!!!!!!
by whatistruth 17 Replies latest jw friends
After over 50 years 'in' and raised in the 'trooooooooooth' I now belive it is this:
An Anti-Christ pyramid big business posing as a religion!!
Band on the Run
Me, too. In fact, my hate is so visceral I have to compensate somewhat. I feel true rage. It is hard to keep in control when they approach me. I live in an apt complex so it is private property but no one stops by here. Ten years ago they stopped by and I told them it was private property not a public street. I was I was a former Witness who would call the police unless they told me the name of the tenant or staff who let them have access. The same holds true for locked apt. buildings in NYC.
It is illegal entry w/o the permission of a resident.
Guys, this is a totally normal reaction at your stage in the game. Eventually the hate will die down and you will be left with a feeling of sadness for the people that are still stuck in. It's extremely frustrating. But try and take the anger that you feel now and turn it into Christ like love. Show them what REAL love looks like.
I quit!
I hate it also. Another reason I hate it is the damage it does to families. They make it just about impossible to get out of without breaking up your family.
I quit!
Nope BrotherDan. I've been out about 30 years and still hate the cult. Not the people but the cult. Although some of the people aren't very likeable either. The creeps at the top if not evil are pretty close to it.
I thought it was the truth with a few added lies..
the magazines are free because we dont want to pay cesars things to ceasar
im stuck in
I know exactly how you feel, like brotherdan says we all went through that feeling. You will get over it and move on with your life. Even if like me you can't get out yet you can still be free in your mind and find satisfaction in working against them in some other way. I tell everyone I know outside that it is a cult and I no longer feel as they do. Also I throw away every bit of literature I can get my hands on, maybe we can hurt them financially. Keep searching you will find happiness on your new journey. stuck in
I've been out about 30 years and still hate the cult.
That is a good point. It really doesn't matter how LONG you've been out. You can hold on to the negative feelings for a long time. Please don't get me wrong. It's a dangerous religion and I wish it would crash and burn. But having hate inside you doesn't really lead to anything good.
I think it's tantamount to some people that have been raped or molested by someone as a child and still have alot of anger built up when they are adults. In therapy one of the things that they try to accomplish is to forgive the person. Forgiving doesn't mean that you don't hate what was done to you. It doesn't mean that you have minimized it or condoned it. But it means that you have let go and can move on and not let it be a shadow over your life anymore.
I find it so much more healthy to feel pity and sadness for the people still left inside than focus on the anger and hate for the organization. You have to realize that, yes, there are some nasty people inside. But there are also some really good, kind, and loving people inside too. For whatever reason, they cannot see the dangers. It should be out of a heart of love that we try to help them. If it is out of a heart of anger and hatred, they will see through that and we will not be effective.
Join the crowd. I hate it too how unjust the WT society has ben costing thousands of lives, breaking up thousands of families. Karma will come back and bite them in the behind some day. Just wait and see