who and how did they come up with this cover

by therevealer 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary

    What's wrong with all you doomsayers? The reason the sister in the middle is so happified, is because they lowered the requirements for pioneering to 30 hours a month. Clearly the guy on the phone is not happy with the phone sex he's paying $4.99/minute for and could probably hear more dirty talk for free by logging into the Six Screens of the Watchtower to listen to 'Johnny' and his party animal Bethelite friends. The woman with three screaming kids is stressed because she can't remember which of the kids was fathered by one of the elders and is just hoping and praying the kid doesn't grow up to look like him.

    The guy on the far right is a Forrest Gump wannabee and looks like he just shit himself a box of choc-o-lates. The old dude sitting next to him is wondering what the hell happened to the box of chocolates he bought himself yesterday and is depressed because he doesn't understand WTF an 'overlapping generation' is supposed to be. The chick with the files just hopes that no one from the 6th Floor Conference Room at Crooklyn notices they're missing while the guy on the far left is wondering if she's an easy lay.

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    Two possibilities: the woman in the middle is sitting on a vibrating cushion; the woman in the middle has just dropped the WORLDS BIGGEST fart and blown the seat out of her non-scriptural illegal trousers, and it's just stinging the nostrils of the massed ranks around her. Which explains their pained expressions.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    haha Mary

    Methinks she just smoked the finest green and now everyone around her has an aura around them. And now she's just sitting there, groovin' on it.

    on a side note: is the Society taking a jab at mothers with multiple young children? Perhaps the single mom at my kingdom hall with 47 screaming barnacles clutched to her will be relieved that she now knows why she has no contentment. As boyzone pointed out, it is generalization at it's worst.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Maybe the lady in the middle is the only one that knows her deoderant is really working !

  • Finally-Free
    Guy next to him is talking to Dell tech support.

    That was me for 2 months, fighting with Dell over a $79 video card. They sent us the wrong one, and it took 2 months to make them understand we needed a card that would support 2 monitors. This was very complex for them, and required numerous phone calls and emails complete with technical specs and photographs. After 2 months we finally got the correct video card and a refund for our trouble.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The happified lady in the center is enjoying her mental fantasy of all those "worldly people" around her getting their brains smashed in by falling rocks, then birds and beasts will drag their sinful carcasses away.

    Isn't it happifying to realize that very soon now, she'll have the entire couch to herself!

  • brotherdan

    The "content" one looks completely devoid of emotion and looks like a robot.

  • SixofNine

    so contentment is having a beautiful woman smiling directly at you, while the rest of the world rushes by?

    Hard to argue with that

  • journey-on

    Five secrets to contentment:

    #1 Ever hear of spacing your kids out, lady! Three stair-step kids is just asking for problems, not to mention chaos!

    #2 Okay. So you hit retirement, Mr. Red Suspenders, and you didn't save or prepare because Armageddon was supposed to have come and gone by now. Should have got out a long time ago while the gettin' was good. Sorry. But, every day you wake up breathing is a new day to get started living (and I don't mean going door to door).

    #3 Guy on the end! Get over there and help your wife with those kids, dipshit. She would be a lot more content, and trust me....tonight you will be, too.

    #4 Hey! Young man with the folded arms. You would be a lot more content if you would get a better haircut and lose the bling. Is that your dad talking to your attorney again trying to get you out of yet another DUI?

    #5 Old man yelling on the phone. The stress is gonna kill 'ya. Lose some weight while you're at it and let the kid figure out his own problems. Ever hear of tough love?

    #6 Girl at the top left. It's just a job, deary. Stop fretting. Go, do your 8 hours, leave it, then go home. It will all be there tomorrow, trust me.

    #7 And lastly, to the iridescent lady in blue: You may seem content now, but when the high wears off, you'll realize you're still sitting in the middle of a nasty cheap stained couch surrounded by a bunch of whiney, screaming, unhappy malcontents. Then what! Another meeting, another Bible study, another month of auxiliary pioneering (come on April!!!). On second thought, take another hit, dear.

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada

    You must be black.

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