What's wrong with all you doomsayers? The reason the sister in the middle is so happified, is because they lowered the requirements for pioneering to 30 hours a month. Clearly the guy on the phone is not happy with the phone sex he's paying $4.99/minute for and could probably hear more dirty talk for free by logging into the Six Screens of the Watchtower to listen to 'Johnny' and his party animal Bethelite friends. The woman with three screaming kids is stressed because she can't remember which of the kids was fathered by one of the elders and is just hoping and praying the kid doesn't grow up to look like him.
The guy on the far right is a Forrest Gump wannabee and looks like he just shit himself a box of choc-o-lates. The old dude sitting next to him is wondering what the hell happened to the box of chocolates he bought himself yesterday and is depressed because he doesn't understand WTF an 'overlapping generation' is supposed to be. The chick with the files just hopes that no one from the 6th Floor Conference Room at Crooklyn notices they're missing while the guy on the far left is wondering if she's an easy lay.