questions you could never get answers to

by deservingone26 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice

    Why is the Holy Spirit sometimes on the fritz?

    EG. When I was an Eldub and we held a JC and the verdict was Public RepooooooooooOOOOOOooOOOoof! Then why was 7 days given to appeal that desicion if it had come from God via Holy spirit?? Will an infallible, all knowing, all seing God suddenly realise he made a big mistake within 7 days??

    Why have men been appointed 'by Holy Spirit', when they were involved in 'DF' offences (filthy paedos for eg), before, during and/or after their appointment??

    ......................................oh, wait a minute I think I have the answer................................the watchtower organization is just a big pyramid anti-Christ business posing as religion so the leaders can live like rock stars. Silly me!!!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    How did Noah get Kangaroos and Koalas back to Australia?

  • punkofnice

    Why didn't God use his own name when he spoke to Moses at the BBQ bush?

    Why didn't Jesus use God's name in the Lord's prayer?

    How can Jesus be Mick the arch angel when there's Hebrews 1?

    Why didn't Jesus say to the sinner 'You will be with me in 'paradise' earth'?

    Why did God flood the entire earth because of a few bad blokes in a small area?

    Why confuse the languages at Babel because they were making a big zigurrat into the sky when man has landed on the moon now and we are capable of understanding other languages?

    Why would a loving god murder millions of people who don't want a washtowel gammy-zine, soon (subject to overlapping)?

  • Crank!!!

    I always wondered why you couldnt get reproved or DF'D for being 450 pounds and eating 8 big mac's for breakfast when glutony was listed in the bible right next to the other DF'Ing offenses. Dont get me wrong I'm a little Chubby, but it just didnt make sense to me!

  • WTWizard

    I always wanted to know what happens for the REJECT Jesus Party if someone lives where the sun doesn't go down. During years when this is early, that is not an issue. But, this year it is April 17. And, as I know, the farther north you go this late in the year, the later the sun goes down. What happens if someone is in Barrow AK, or in northern Scandanavia, Siberia, or congregations in Greenland? This is mostly an issue in places at latitudes 75 o N and higher--where the sun is up 24 hours a day during some years at this time.

    Or, the flip side, what if someone is near the south pole? Again, supposing a congregation were to form in central Antarctica. It is dark 24 hours a day when they REJECT Jesus Party comes, and this poses a problem as to when to hold it. Technically, they could hold it any time after noon, but when?

  • punkofnice

    Why is masturbation so bad?

  • deservingone26

    another question i had was how come there was a tree ofknowledge of good and bad when adam and eve were suppose to be perfect?wouldnt bad be part of imperfection?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    what exactly is sinning against the holy spirit?

    why is abortion murder but unborn children will not be resurected?

    If we have the truth, why do we have to avoid "apostate" literature? wouldn't it be glaringly obvious that we are right and they are wrong?

    Why do good non-jw people get destroyed at armegeddon but Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and other monsters get free forgiveness and resurection?

    if all the dead people will be resurected and have a second chance in a perfect world, wouldn't it be more christian and loving to kill as many people as possible instead of preaching to them? Killing would be so much more efective, a single Jw could save hundreds or even thousands if they planed carefully.

  • Ding

    Why can't JWs celebrate birthdays?

    Because the GB says so.

    Why does the GB say this?

    1. It's an easily measured test of obedience to the GB.

    2. It helps create solidarity among JWs by isolating them from everyone else and fostering the us v. them mindset.


    -- It makes JWs seem eccentric to everyone except JWs and studies who are starting to buy into the WTS thought system.

    -- It gives JWs the feeling that they know important Bible truths that no one else knows.

    -- It gives JWs a feeling of moral superiority over "worldlies" who, they believe, unknowingly emulate the murderer of John the Baptist.

    -- It gives a JWs a shared feeling of persecution when their kids feel hurt because they are always left out or come across to peers as weird

  • unshackled

    When I was a young child I remember asking my parents "if murder and violence are bad why did Jehovah have armies that he supported, and they killed thousands?"

    Answer: Things were different back then.

    That never settled it for me...I was confused how a god that was supposed to be the epitome of love and kindness, and his ways never changed thru time indefinite, would use war only a few thousand years ago. But today it is bad?

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