Greetings, dear BOTR, and peace to you! I would like to respond, if I may, with what I've learned from my Lord - thank you!
The answer to you question is both: the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies does keep time... and time is a human construct. I will explain:
Time... as we [flesh with its blood] know it... is set in limited increments. And so time, as we know it, was devised by the limited... for the limited... based on the limitations of the physical world (i.e., number of revolutions of the earth on its axis, in its orbit, how far light travels in x amount of time, etc.). In the spirit realm, there are no planets... or suns... or need to measure how far light travels... so as to dictate time.
The physical body lives a "lifespan" (whatever that happens to be) and then dies, due to its limitations; spirit beings (excluding earthling man) do not have physical bodies, however, thus they don't die - they must be destroyed... and none have been destroyed, yet, so their lives are not limited.
To say that the Most Holy One of Israel doesn't keep time, however, would be inaccurate. HOW He keeps time is the issue... and my understanding is that it is based on mathematical type constructs, which I cannot describe, unfortunately, as they are not stated in man's tongue, so I wouldn't even know where to begin. In another thread, I shared how I heard a voice say "Let the Light come"... "come to be"... "be"... "come into existence [in the physical world]"... or something to that effect... in words that were NOT words, per se... but something, well, the closest I can describe is that it was like a mathematical equation (however, that truly is an understatement as I understood that what we know as "mathematics" is utterly primitive when compared to what I heard)...
At the very moment that I heard the voice "speak"... a light came... well, the accurate word would be "exploded" into the darkness in which I was situated (and not out of the darkness, although some might describe it that way). What I witnessed was a sort of "birth" of... well, life. Without going into what that light and life was... and what it did... I will say that the darkness was absolutely empty - no air, no gravity, no movement, no dust (not even a particle)... nothing. Void. Of anything and everything... except me... and the light once "it" came in and was with me IN the darkness.
My understanding is that, for the Most Holy One of Israel, His calculation of "time"... started with the birth of that light. Everything that has a time reference to it as to Him... is calculated from that moment. Which started long before man... and is why the "math" is so far beyond us: we simply don't have the... ummmm... ability... whether human or machine.... to calculate the "time"... or "distance"... from that point of origin. Neither our brains (due to the limitations put on it by the fleshly body - i.e., blood/oxygen supplies, etc.)... or our computers (due to their designers' limitations)... have the capacity (the second isn't even close and while this may sound counterintuitive to some our brains are MUCH more advanced than any supercomputer, as the latter can only produce what we can will it to, contrary depictions in modern sci-fi movies notwithstanding).
I hope this helps, somewhat, although I can understand if it doesn't make sense, is hard to grasp, or you just don't understand it. I am neither a mathmetician or physicist, etc., and so I've explained the best I can, for now.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,