What's Your Favourite Way to Treat a Bad Cold?

by lifelong humanist 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist

    I've been suffering from a really bad cold, with flu-type symptoms, for almost a week now. Very unusual for me.

    It couldn't have come at a worse time, as I've just started working as a self-employed person, working outdoors in all weathers. No sick pay, so no money coming in.

    I expect that I'll be OK for Monday, though.

    I'm right in the middle of making a homemade lamb curry. I prefer to use my own freshly prepared spices, when possible. Lots of garlic, onions and chilli heat. Eating a vindaloo type curry seems to help me feel just a bit more human. I used to rely on hot-toddies as a pick-me-up, but now think that they are a waste of a good malt whisky!

    What about you? What raises your spirits when you are at a low ebb?

    lifelong humanist

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    My sister uses this, she believes it to be a natural antibiotic:


  • jookbeard

    good spicy food is a very good idea, a chicken vindaloo works for me,I know it's always that practical but sweating it out in a steam room or sauna used to work for me as well.

  • zoiks


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    A really hot curry and go to bed with a drink of hot milk, sugar and whiskey.

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    For a sore throat, hot honey and lemon with a shot of brandy in it, but a runny nose requires a pharaceutical battering. Try Actifed if you can get it there, failing that a polycell gap gun squirted up each nostril should stop the flow. Or corks. Seriously, if you can just go hibernate for a day or two and sod the rest of the world. We'll still be here when you're better.

  • man in black
    man in black

    right before bedtime I take two of every vitamin that my wife has in the medicine cabinet. Then two aspirin.

    A glass of warm fruit juice, then a really long, hot shower.

    After that I go straight to bed,,, 95% of the time I feel much better in the morning.

  • WTWizard

    Here are a few things that might help:

    **Coconut oil. Use this in place of vegetable oil--virgin coconut oil is best. Stay away from regular vegetable oil or canola--both will irritate a sore throat, and could well burden your immune system.

    **Astragalus. This is an herb that is sometimes used as a spice. You can safely take 8-14 capsules a day of this.

    **Echinacia. Use this for about 2 weeks at a time.

    **Vitamins. Particularly, vitamin C (2,000 mg two or more times a day, or 1,000 mg per hour), and vitamin D (1,000 IU minimum up to 5,000 IU).

    **Alpha lipoic acid. This may well stimulate your immune system, freeing up resources for fighting your cold.

    **Plenty of humidity in your home. If your skin is feeling dry, your lungs are working extra hard to battle that situation. And, they need all the help they can get (and then some) to fight the cold.

    **Lots of fluids--orange juice is best. No sodas, especially diet ones that contain aspartame or sucralose. Try to limit high fructose corn syrup, at least while you are sick (regular sugar, if you must, is acceptable).

    **Don't smoke, at least while you are sick.

    And, don't fall for that scam about dressing warmly. If you are cold, you should dress warmer because your system is exhausted from fighting your cold, not because you will catch more cold (you won't). If you are warm, dressing warmer will only dry you out, leading to dehydration and making it harder for you to fight your cold. Dress comfortably, not too warmly.

    Above all, avoid cold medicines unless you ABSOLUTELY must suppress a symptom. These medications not only waste money, but they do not work. You might feel better for a short time, but you are only masking the symptoms. Meanwhile, these medications are making extra work for your system to fight the cold itself. Nuisance congestion or coughing is better than masking these symptoms, only to have pneumonia develop without warning or your cold to rebound worse a week later. And, if you absolutely do need medication, get medication for ONLY the symptoms you actually need to mask--you do not need side effects from medications that treat symptoms you do not have. And this goes for aspirin--if you do not have a fever, body aches, or sore throat, aspirin will do nothing.

  • serenitynow!

    Airborne, tea, water, juice.

    For chest congestion, I take a warmed mixture of Jack Daniels, honey and lemon juice. Take that at night, you wake up cured!

  • minimus

    Drink a bottle of cognac. It will make you feel better one way or another!


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