I dreamed I was outed on this site

by NewChapter 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • noni1974

    NewChapter I am the apostate you were warned about.!! LOL Aren't you glad you met me!! LOL

    GB 2.0 I really have no clue what that means. I know GB means Governing Body but the 2.0 I have no clue. Maybe because the old members have died off and none of the originals are left anymore.

  • Vidiot

    NewChapter - "It seems they are getting more aggressive in going after inactive people...is there any concrete evidence that the GB is demanding more loyalty? I know there is a general feeling, and I feel it too, but is there any proof? I'm just wondering."

    No concrete proof; GB2.0's legal division is an old hand at spin. Plenty of circumstantial evidence that supports the idea a lot more than in refutes it (along with with compelling theories as to why), IMO.

    Battening down the hatches and filtering out the riffraff.

    noni1974 - "Maybe because the old members have died off and none of the originals are left anymore."

    Give the lady a cigar. Seriously. I've heard Cubans are really, really good. BTW, this retroactively labels their predecessors as GB1.0, and the overlapped generation of oldtimers and newbies in the previous couple decades as GB1.5.

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