An open letter to all JWs who want to know why we

by closer2fine 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ianao


    You are obviously an angry and bitter person. You have nothing of benefit to add to this discussion. You should be upbuilding your fellow appostates, not burdening them with negativity.

    Shame on you!

  • metatron

    What a load of crap - 'we have God's approval'!

    The Bible sez the governments act as God's "minister" to bring
    punishment on evildoers. (Romans 13). The work done to bring
    Watchtower leadership to justice IS GODLY.

    On the other hand, we have the self anointed, Watchtower
    leadership claiming authority as the "faithful and discreet
    slave". Child molestation ISN'T FAITHFUL - and given the trouble
    caused - it isn't discreet, either. Their 'authority' is a fraud.


  • plmkrzy

    "None of this requires any outside organization, nor is that even hinted at in the bible."

    Just for the record, What Bible are you refering to?
    One Bible in particular, or all Bibles?

  • closer2fine

    I'm assuming their bible, this is a letter to them.


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • Cygnus

    The fact is, I would much rather be a liberal JW (and many such exist) than be a Bible-thumping fundie. JWs get criticized for dishonest treatment of certain "traditional" Christian dogmas, but JWs themselves get assailed all the time unfairly (i.e. criticisms against the NWT, or the silly insistence on Jesus being a "mere angel").

  • LDH
    this person forgets we have Jehovahs approval

    Every time *anyone* wakes up in the morning, they have God's blessing.

    The Bible says God makes it rain on the righteous and unrighteous, so what is your point?

    The bottom line is, we got sick of the scrutiny being paid to the personal detail in our lives when there are so many more important things to be doing with you Christianity.


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