These are some recent examples of argumentation that I found particularly laconic:
*** kp [2004] p. 22 “They Took No Note” ***
Was There Really a Global Flood?Many critics say No. But the Bible says Yes. Jesus Christ himself spoke of it, and he was alive when it occurred, viewing it from the heavens.
*** w10 12/1 p. 13 Did People in Bible Times Really Live So Long? ***
Archaeology also comes into the picture, for it agrees with Bible statements about long-lived individuals. About the patriarch Abraham, the Bible says that he was from the city of Ur, that he later resided in the city of Haran and then in the region of Canaan, and that he fought and defeated Chedorlaomer, king of Elam. (Genesis 11:31; 12:5; 14:13-17) Discoveries have confirmed the existence of these places and people. Archaeology has also shed some light on features of the lands and customs of the peoples mentioned in connection with Abraham. Since these Bible statements about Abraham are accurate, why should there be questions about his age of 175 years?—Genesis 25:7.