by Wilfried 14 Replies latest social humour
Amelia Ashton
Can some-one translate, please.
Girl : I'm so happy Harmaguedon is so close
Boy : Euh ... Lucy, who told you that ?
Girl : The Wathtower of course, who else ?
You read WT and you use to believe in all Governing Body says, don't you ?
We are told since130 years it could happen at every moment, we must be vigilant ...
... and don't escape from this conversation, apostat ! Do you listen to what I say ?
What a blessed day : I'm going to add 1 hour in my report
(sorry for my bad english, I'm french)
Broken Promises
I want the CD with New Light!
Bon jour Wilfried! Comment allez-vous?
compound complex
Mon cher Wilfried:
That was a good translation. Ironic that the GB is the "central college."
Vous etes le bienvenu la!
CoCo le Moko
@Broken Promises : I'm well thank you ---- Cake is made for tonight, I'm waiting friends to talk about Bible and OUR own light :)
@compound complex : thank you very much ...
Bravo Wilfried...ton anglais est excellent. Après avoir attendu la fin durant 50 ans j'ai décidé que ça suffisait...surtout quand j'ai lu la nouvelle compréhension sur les générations qui se chevauchent...d'où mon nom Jamais Trop Tard (NVR2L8).
@NVR2L8 : la TG qui parlait effectivement des générations superposées a été aussi pour moi un indice supplémentaire démontrant que y'avait un sérieux problème d'enseignement, ou, dit autrement, qu'on nous raocntait de serieuses anneries. J'ai compris pourquoi en lisant "Crise de conscience" de Franz.... Tout s'est éclairé !!!
Wilfried: English for the benefit of all...
In another post you said that you live in France, so I would like to know if there were any repercussions following the Swiss TV program on JW with Roberto Distefano or following the demonstration in Iltaly against shunning?
For NVR2L8:
Repercussions on the SWISS TV Program were positive.
First of all the program caught 41% of the audience that night. Then about 1000 posts on the TV forum, many by angry JW who started to abuse myself and members of my family, but many many more, were positively affected and defended the TV program.
Following the prgram, at least to my knowledge, one sister from our previous congregation gave her dissociation notice and same did an ex elder and his family. I am sure that the same has happened elsewhere, but of course, we do not have any direct testimony.
Roberto di Stefano, alias Nick!