Barr was certainly a man with the appearance of kindness and since he is now deceased no disrepect is meant or inferred. But does this elderly gentleman inspire thoughts of one who could or should help direct millions of followers.
no disrespect meant but -
by therevealer 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
oops. picture was there, but disappeared. must mean source of original saw it and deleted.
Perhaps you didn't post it properly - what did you do to post it? You have to upload it first to a hosting site, and then download it from there.
I happen to love the simplicity of the picture myself.
Looks like you got it to work.
I think he looks really sweet! I can't imagine spending my life in a suit and tie. I wonder if he slept in it, just in case Jehovah was watching him sleep.
The New System is less and less appealing the more I think about. Why would we have to wear dress clothes to go down to the river to wash or have a sip of water? And imagine all the lion and panda hair. When you spend an eternity petting them, you know all that hair would stick to our suits. Yuck.
Mickey mouse
I think Barr was OK. I've never heard a bad word said about the man (other than the fact he was a member of the GB!) whereas with the likes of Jaracz, no one had anything good to say.
But do you feel comfortable feeling this old man was part of a supposed governing body directing the affairs of millions laverite. Sure you can respect both the man and the simplicity that the picture conveys, but somehow for me more and more as I look at pictures of these men it makes me uncomfortable thinking of the influence they have over people.
poppers = first time was using a posting on a yahoo group. Second time was saved and post to my own blog.