Most embarassing JW moment

by mamalove 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamalove

    Mine will surely give me away, but I don't care. When I was preggers, I was supposed to have a c-section the first week of the new month. So I knew I needed to go out in service so I would not be irregular that month. So I am 9 mos pregnant, waddling around. The weather had turned chilly, so I needed some kind of panty hose, but what fits a 9 month pregnant woman? So I yank out some sexy black thigh highs, knowing my knee length black skirt will cloak the sexiness of these forbidden undergarments.

    Wouldn't ya know it, but I am so swollen everywhere, that those suckers just rolled down my leg as I was hobbling back to the car. The whole car group was quite tickled by my fashion choice and I just decided to take them off and say, eh, screw it!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I was visiting a KH in Boston. My dad was trying to date a sister there. I was 15 with no Mom and got my period. I was in the bathroom and had to ask every sister that walked in if she had a pad... no one did. One sister handed me a tampond but I never used one and didn't know how. I spent the entire meeding on the toilet until a sister handed me a pad. When I grew up I always made sure there was a few emergency pads at every KH I went to.

  • ambersun

    Oh (((((((foundsheep)))))) that makes me so angry. Any woman dreads being in that situation yet there you were, only 15 years old in a strange congregation needing help and all those so called 'sisters' just walked out of the toilets without bothering to discreetly ask the other sisters in the KH for a pad for you????!!!!! It beggers belief. Thank goodness at least one woman eventually came to your aid.

    In my opinion it is all those 'loving sisters' who should be the ones to be embarrassed, not you

    Sorry, rant over

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Mamalove - you go girl, wearing sexy thigh highs whilst 9 mths preggers!

    Found Sheep - that WOULD be terrible!

    The most embarressing moment that I can think of (for now) is calling on a boy I knew at school while out witnessing. The following Monday he told all his friends and there were stiffled snorts and giggles wherever I walked around. It really got rubbed in my face that I was a JW and a complete embarrassment to my school friends.

    Ironically, I now work with his Dad, and his dad is the nicest guy ever.

  • strymeckirules

    having to sit through the announcement when i got knocked off as a publisher, and my sister got d'f'd, and my brother got d'f''d. mom and dad were there crying. my face burned red like never before in my life. lots of anger and frustration, being 15 and haveing to go along with it. felt like everyone was pointing at us.

  • Desert Rat
    Desert Rat

    I remember one Thrusday meeting I had a talk. We would sit way up front when one of us had to get on the stage for something. Just before my talk, I got up and went to use the bathroom. I came out, and was trucking down the aisle, back to my seat, when a another sister just about bowled me over! She started grabbing at my dress. Then I realized I had my dress tucked into my panty hose, and had just showed my bare backside to every one!! I was so embarrassed, and I still had to get on the stage and make my way through that talk!!

  • tenyearsafter

    I was always a bit reticent to let kids at school know I was a JW...I also was in the throes of puberty anmd finally found a girl at school who, at least in my mind, was my "girlfriend". She had no idea I was a JW until the fateful day I knocked on a door in FS and guess who answered. If I could have crawled under the doormat I would have...

  • wobble

    My son No.2 had an embarassing moment when he was eight, which we can only tell him about, he has no memory of it.

    He fell asleep during yet another boring Service Meeting, and let fly a really loud, and long, fart ! the surrounding people on nearby rows of seats all fell about laughing, and the arrogant prat on the platform thought he must have made a funny !

    We were giggling too much to put him straight.

    We let our son sleep on, oblivious, I still maintain it was his best ever contribution to any meeting.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have a farty story too.

    We were at Tuesday Book study and my 3 year old daughter dropped her teddy off the sofa onto the floor. As she leaned down to retrieve the teddy she broke wind, very loudly. As she straightened up she dropped the teddy again leaned down and let rip again. She dropped it again and as she leaned down for the third she farted once more.

    Me, my other daughter and the sisters sat either side of us were now laughing as quietly as we could and had tears rolling down our cheeks. The brother opposite trying to read is having trouble getting the words out but the elder taking the group had a face like thunder!

    My other embarrassing moment involves the same child when we were very new. I wasn't even baptised. Emma was bit of a handful and I did everything I could to keep her quiet and amused so I could concentrate. She was sat on the floor and found the zipped compartment of my handbag. She got all my feminine hygiene products out, unwrapped them and threw them down the central aisle of the KH.

  • jws

    I think mine was falling asleep while carrying microphones (seldom used in the OKM portion of the meeting). I awoke to "Brother S___, Brother S___". I jumped up, and hurried to my father and stuck the microphone in front of him, thinking he had been called on. After all, he's brother S___. It wasn't him. It was the speaker calling me to get my attention. The whole hall was laughing.

    I suppose I had an embarrassing moment or two working the territory where my school was. I don't think I caught any flack from school. And most of them knew I was a JW anyway since I didn't go to any of the holiday parties. But being out there at their house was way more embarassing. Luckily my high school's "territory" and our hall's territory didn't overlap.

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