Hey all.
A few of you might remember me. I showed up on a similar board a few years back because my wife was getting baptized.
It was a difficult time but I was able to work through it with a lot of prayer and help from a lot of smart folks here.
My wife has since left the organization, and the WT has faded into a tiny speck in our rearview mirror that we rarely talk about.
I have enjoyed being free from the Watchtower Driven Life for awhile, and frankly I really needed it, but I also know that alot of people aren't so lucky.
Insomnia and a sense of duty has compelled me to wander back in here. I figure that there are some who might benefit from my story and experience. I sure don't know what I would have done without some of the people here!
So it is time for me to give back a little. So much was given to me.
See you around.