I know they love to crow about the dwindling christindom churches but hey what about the muslim or buddist religons? Now these are growing alot and far more than the JW's.... How does that fulfill their profecies hey?
What does the WTBS make of the growing muslim religon?
by highdose 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good question.
I would think they are pissed off! As the religion is getting the anger and attention they were supposed to be getting. What a mean joke you have pulled Satan in making the Muslims fulfill the prophecy meant for them. Damn you Satan for letting the Witnesses become nothing more then a punch line, and not important. You are a mean foe! LOL
I have actualy asked a JW this very question, their responce after a long pause was " yeah but they arn't christindom so they don't count"... WTF?!!!
2 things that really piss of JW's is when you mention the similarities in growth and organizational structure between them and The Mormons and the alarming rise in the growth od Islam, they dont have answers for it.
This is an interesting question.
they dont have answers for it
This is probably because the r&f are only able to provide answers that have been fed to them in the Watchtower. Obviously, there has not been a study article about it yet. I wonder if one is planned?
They also believe their own B.S i.e "We are the only ones preaching" When in reality the SAD's the LDS etc.are growing faster than the Dubs, and they are a part of Christendom !
As to the growth in the popularity of Islam, here in the U.K many young people from non-muslim backgrounds are joining, how many young people from "outside" join the Dubs ?
It's funny how JW's don't even consider the East in their world view. Two-thirds of the world just gets written off as "Babylon the Great", and it goes down as an afterthought, once Jehovah wipes out his REAL enemy- Christendom. It's basically just a "tidying up" after the main annihilation.
When I was a JW, the general opinion was that the one true faith could not be a large denomination because Jesus said "broad is the road that leads to destruction, but narrow is the path to salvation and few walk on it". Trust me, the JW are content with being a small religion. They don't give a s...t on other religions numbers.
but Dag why are they so obsessed with numerical growth? they constantly bang on about the WT being printed in over 100 languages and being in over 200 countries the billions of hours they report in FS if they dont give a shit about other religions they would not boast about this growth which is no big deal.