Just got a tip...

by Vidiot 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Ohh looks shiny...and white

  • Vidiot

    Sorry, botched first post.

    Anyways, just got a tip that certain members of the WTS heirarchy are allegedly looking into housing design and construction, as opposed to printing and/or distribution facilities. While I could be wrong, this seems new to me.

    Anybody wanna hazard a guess as to where (if it's accurate) they'd start building JW-exclusive housing?

    While obviously not bunker complexes, isolated gated communities would dovetail nicely with the theory that they're thinning the herd and battening down the hatches at the new HQ in upstate NY.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Got to spend all that money somehow.

  • undercover

    IF...IF...IF true or even partially true, it could be nothing. Where they're building these new headquarters will still have to house staff, workers, etc, to operate the place. Where ya gonna put em?

    This isn't a factory like normal companies build. They don't have paid workers, they use unpaid volunteers. To do that, you have to provide room and board for them somehow.

    And I'm sure the GB are going to have some cozy digs as well. Instead of apartments, maybe they'll each get a cottage or house.

    It's all supposition on a baseless rumor at this point. I wouldn't make too much of it.

  • miseryloveselders

    whereever it is, I hope Al Queda targets it.

  • baltar447

    A nice new cottage for each of our Govering Buddy overlords!


    Can you imagine the home owners association?

  • dozy

    As we speak someone is raking around the dusty Bethel archives looking for the Beth Sarim building plans...............

    I'm with undercover on this - the JWs have always built a lot of residential properties , such as all the conversions in Brooklyn. These are then very easily resold - tax free profit , kerching , rinse & repeat. It is much easier reselling residential properties than large printing plants.

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