Acts 10:19, 20 - Destroying the Holy Spirit personification argument

by GOrwell 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    Poor Psac ;)

    *puts metal plate in his head, stitches it closed*


  • PSacramento

    LOL !

    Thanks Tammy, I needed that.

    It always pains me to see division in faith, especially when the division isn't really there.

    There is no reason why we all have to express or understand our faith in he exact same way, and disagreements are common, the NT shows us this by the disagreements that happened between Paul and James and Peter and even with the generations that came after them.

    These things happen because we are all individuals and see things based on our own experiences and perspectives, but rather than focussing on the differences to make us "unique" ( like the JW's do), we should focus on what we have in common as many protestant denominations and Catholics are doing.

    We have One God, Our beloved Father.

    We are saved though God's Only Son, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ( Jaheshua if you prefer the Hebrew ;) )

    We come to this salvation through Christ, by God's grace and the Holy Spirit that lives within Us.

  • tec

    Yes, and the love of Christ should bind us.


  • PSacramento

    Well said :)

  • moshe
    Unsuprisingly, if you look up Acts 10:20 in the WT CDROM, there is only exactly ONE reference and isn't even discussing this part of the verse.

    30 some years ago I was sitting in a KH meeting and I was reading in the Bible during a meeting- going past some Vs that had been referenced. I went home and looked up a verse that had caught my eye and the WT references also didn't use this verse- anywhere. I though that odd, so I began to find other verses that had been left out of the publications. I could see that the WT writers had their "pet " scriptures and they had scriptures that they always avoided using. I wonder how many other JWs noticed that besides me?

  • AGuest
    Semantics...the bane of harmony !!!

    Can be, yes, dear PSacto (the greatest of love and peace to you!). Praise JAH, there is still love, though, right? Love, however, doesn't always concede to a "tickling" of the ears. If it is true love, it will speak the truth, where it should... and remain quiet... when it should.

    I wonder how many other JWs noticed that besides me?

    Shelby raises hand (peace to you, dear Moshe!)

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I see the Holy Spirit as the active force of God. The trinity talks of a triune God but I believe God is multifaceted. This human obsession with God having distinct personalities is absured. I pray that God is beyond these conceptions. As shorthand, I find them appealing. It helps to grasp the multidimensions of God. I just don't see God as literally being Mo, Curly and Larry. Some truths are hard to verbalize. As usual, the scriptures are unclear. I submit the authors were capable of writing more clearly. Maybe all this doctrine develops way down the road.

  • designs

    hi = B1ti + B2+2 1 + Ei

  • GOrwell

    @Band on the Run : Agreed. As I read the Book of John, it's like he's TRYING his best to tell us something, but it isn't quite 100% clear. I suppose I could be like the ones who truly didn't "see" back in Christs' day. Is the written word unable to synthesize the complete nature of God? Quite likely it is so. Perhaps, we simply can't understand these things without the insight of the spirit/Spirit of God. Jesus DID say to the Twelve of things they wouldn't be able to understand right then. Is the Trinity one of these things?

    @Moshe: "pet" scriptures and proof-text's definitely seem to be their favourite. Obviously, I don't expect them to comment on EVERY verse in the Bible, but when one COMPLETELY (a "power" or "force" that is speaking in the first person as in Acts 10:19,20) contradicts a doctrine, you'd think there'd be some mention of it. In Trinity section of the Reasoning book, they mention you have to take ALL of the scriptures into account. Of course, they don't take this one and others into account.

  • PSacramento
    I submit the authors were capable of writing more clearly. Maybe all this doctrine develops way down the road.

    The authors were as clear as they could be for WHO and WHAT they were and WHO they were speaking to at the time.

    Looking back 2000 years later we must disconcern what they said based on biblical, Historical and textual interpretation and critique and do it with the guidence of the Holy Spirit.

    God's Word through Human words.

    Our understanding is far more than theirs was but it is still finite and God still accomadates His Word to OUR understanding and though it can be progressive, it isn't always seen that way because of our finite understanding of the Infinite.

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