Critical thinking can occur whenever one judges, decides, or solves a problem; in general, whenever one must figure out what to believe or what to do, and do so in a reasonable and reflective way
sbc: Give a toy to a 1 year old. He will "look" at it, then he will touch it and "feel" it, then will squeeze it and agitate it, to "hear" how it sounds, then he will put it in his mouth to 'taste" how it tastes, finnaly he will try to break it to see how it is made... we have this natural steps to learn about the world. We test it ourselves. We jump on the bed, we roll on the grass, we break things, we question things. All of those are natural processes that we go through in learning about anything.
At around the age of 6 those process stop and we develop a concious process now. As adults now aware of our capabilities to think we can develop steps and testing procedures to analyze things. However we had those skills when we were younger but at a subsconcious level. They are gone.
Dont take me wrong. I want to be a critical thinker. I want to learn how to refine my skills. But that methodology is for a handicapped adult. (Compared to a super powerful baby)
Think about the process of learning a new languange... the procedural steps to learn it as an adult are way different than as a baby. As an adult we want to think how to learn, as a kid you only need to experience it. The brain figures out the rules by itself.
That is why I believe tha teaching religion to a kid is abuse. teaching myths to a kid, teaching lies to a kid specially from a trusting figure is a diservice to humanity.
I believe that the critical thinking skills that I am learning as an adult are not compared to the critical thinking skill I had when I was little. When I was little I would ask "WHY" all the time. and was labeled a REBEL by the adults. As an adult I am relearning to feel comfortable to ask WHYs again.
PS: Im glad to see you back in the board