Black Friday Stampedes VS. District Convention Morning Gate Openings

by Mr. Falcon 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Has anyone had a JW rant to them around Christmas time about how "horrible" it is to be a "worldly" person at that time of year?

    Certian JWs love to use the infamous Black Friday shopping riots that tend to occur as examples to back up this argument. Now, while those incidents are indeed disgraceful, they are hardly isolated to the "World".

    Among my "priveliges" was to be an attendant at a few District Conventions. And on two occasions, I was placed as one of the entrance attendants responsible for unlocking the doors. We have seen many movies, documentaries and books which cover the Normandy Beach Landings of 1944. However, many of these historical accounts focus on the landings from the perspective of the Allied troops storming the beaches. Entrusting the opening of the Convention main doors afforded me an interesting glimpse into the feelings of the German defenders on that fateful morning in France.

    Imagine, if you will, that you are a German soldier stationed in one of the concrete bunkers that overlook the advancing Allied troops. Only instead of a MG42, you're only equipment is a badge that reads "ATTENDANT" and a 2-way radio. When those doors were released, I saw very little "brotherly love" and "tender affection." On one occasion, I beheld what appeared to be a very elderly JW woman proceed to swing her cane at a very large attendant while yelling, "Don't stand in the way!" Wise advice, indeed from this aged True Christian.

    I look forward to hearing any experiences or thoughts on this seemingly unfair comparison to the notorious Black Friday incidents.

  • Smoky

    Yes i remember.... at the time i was an attendant i did not beleive the tales from the others, until i saw it for myself.

    Ironically the DC convention at that time was being held at a RACE COURSE... Who knew the 1st race was at 8am...very sad.

    The prize: the GOLD CUP room. It was the best seating and the most luxurious. Everyone wanted them, and may fought tooth and nail for them.

    I served 1 day and decided not to do it again...(The Saturday Race was the worst...everyone wanted seats to view the 'Drama')

  • Medina

    Once literature or DVDs are given away for free at Conventions, you see the herds running just like the herds to on Black Friday, JWs are top consumers but just on the other side of our society.

  • LostGeneration

    Mr. Falcon- Now that was a funny post. Witnessed a few Sunday morning drama stampedes myself. Depending on how many doors were available to enter the building, it was definitely a cattle herd pushing in from the outside as well.

    The hypocrisy of JWs continues to amaze

  • fadinfast

    I dont know how many are aware . but there are actualy 3 classes in the WT 'system of things'. Other sheep. great crowd, and the privileged class.

    This was brought home to me [and others] by the fact that, the DC con-vention centre had one section of comfortable seating; and when during the session you looked [from your standard seating] over to 'that other seating' who should be there but all of the 'privileged class [elders etc who had had the 'privilege' of getting in before the doors were opened and fillling the rows with books] and all there familys and close freinds.To be fair ,they did get on top of the problem somewhat. eventuatly. FF

  • Joliette

    Yeah I was @ a convention once where the people were actually knocking down disabled people.

    JW's can't talk about ANYBODY! LOL.

  • straightshooter

    It is truly amazing how jws would stampede to get "prime" seats at the convention and rush to get the new releases. This is no different than "Black Friday" or special sales days for the world.

  • Quendi

    Of course, the behavior of Witness stampedes at DC sites is a disgrace, but let us also put some of the blame on the WTS itself. Its choices of convention sites often left much to be desired. One egregious example of this was the use for many years of Dodger Stadium at Chavez Ravine in Los Angeles. Why in the name of love would you pack people into a facility that is designed to hold crowds for only three hours or so? A friend of mine who attended DCs there for years said the race was on for seating in the shade because you knew you were going to be there eight hours minimum. Nobody in his right mind wants to sit in the Southern California sun that long. I'm sure the WTS heard many complaints, but did nothing to change the venue for a long time.

    Finally, the WTS decided that maybe having smaller conventions at venues that provided air conditioning and comfortable seating was better than herding people like cattle in a feeding lot for a "spiritual feast". Smaller indoor arenas around Los Angeles are used now. No more heat stroke and sunstrok victims at Dodger Stadium, and my friend says he actually enjoys the DCs now.

    I'm aware that not all chosen convention cities have the best facilities, and the problem doesn't affect me anymore since I have left the WTS. Still, I used to think that the comfort and safety of the convention delegates should always have been the first consideration when planning any such mass event. And if a facility does have "preferred seating" and "luxury boxes" within its bounds, I would think those would definitely be put off limits to avoid the very kind of stampeding that so often takes place at DCs. But there's no reason to use open air facilities if all the delegates can't have shade as well as adequate seating. If that isn't a concern, then why have the gathering in the first place?

  • confuzzled777

    While I have never been there early enough to witness the "stampede" in the morning. My DH went down before the doors opened during a district convention with his brother and cousin one year to get seats for us all. He said it was CRAZY!! People RACING, PUSHING and SHOVING there way through to get to the "good" seats.

    First AND last time he ever did that! I like it in the bleachers anyways......much more room to spread out and get comfy. We would bring blankets/cushions to sit on and cover up with.

  • blondie

    *** km 4/04 p. 3 par. 3 “Let Us Exalt His Name Together” ***When the doors open at 8:00 a.m., consideration for others will restrain us from running, rushing, pushing, or shoving in an effort to get to the seats we prefer before others do.

    *** km 5/01 p. 6 par. 7 Do Good and Be Praised! ***When the convention doors open at 8:00 a.m., some brothers and sisters can be seen running, pushing, and shoving to obtain the “best” seats. Injuries have resulted because of this type of behavior.

    *** km 5/93 p. 4 par. 14 Benefit Fully From the 1993 “Divine Teaching” District Convention ***We do not push or shove when lining up for food or publications. We are considerate of the elderly and of small children who may be waiting in line with their parents and who could easily be shoved by adults who may not notice them.


    I saw shoving and a sister tumble down the stairs....yet it continued despite the empty words above...the only thing that motivates the WTS is the threat of a lawsuit.

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