When you were Hard-Core JW, did Opponents Screaming or Filming you help your Exit?

by PokerPlayerPhil 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    I agree with most of the comments above. The hardcore JW opposers often come across as unstable nutjobs. I am moved by facts and evidence and reason, not antics that overshadow such.

  • william draper
    william draper
    I never believed it was the Truth they claimed it to be , although zealous , aux pioneering , going to ALL meetings ,etc. . . I just thought it was the best place to be , but when I started seeing just gross negligence of all sorts , I thought I better step out and re evaluate my position , starting to really ramp up my Bible reading I began to see things like never before , even though being one of Jw for 25 years , how could I have been glossing over all these scriptures for so long .
  • PokerPlayerPhil
    I wish I had the brains to examine my system of beliefs and why those people yelling at Dodger Stadium's near entrance and Assembly Halls in Woodland Hills were pissed off. Were lucky we have the ability and rights to protest unhealthy beliefs, other nations don't have our gift to express freely how they feel. I never would have seen myself appreciate nations with freedom of religion, as Jehovah's Witnesses we showed no appreciation and often I caught Witnesses cheating on their taxes, stealing from brothers and sisters and we had one big Ponzi Scam in San Diego, San Francisco, Florida, New York with the main goal of stealing from uneducated and unsophisticated Witnesses because the majority of Witnesses are not very savvy with their money and far too trusting for con-men to slip on in. Understanding their rage is easy using 20-20 hindsight vision, if only we did pay attention instead of our conditioned response of plugging our ears and covering our eyes.

    The Watchtower is to blame 99% for many problems Jehovah's Witnesses encounted because from youth we were deceived with unreal expectations, poor thinking skills they drilled, inculcated (think of poor Caleb sitting on Tony Morris lap being told revisionist history) youth our ability to "trust our brothers", "Jehovah's Witnesses don't sue each other like the World does(that was BS!) because their closer to a new creation!) and we attacked the Catholic Church with a vengeance when the Pedophile Scandal erupted in a lawsuit and media frenzy in the 1990s(how soon our zealous leaders would be paid back for being so arrogant while throwing stones from our glass-fortress.

    On a different website I met someone who is still in the Organization even though he was taken for $20,000 by the JW Sister running her scam under a "Pay-Day Loan shop. The only reason she got hammered was she took money from high ranks in her area and even as far as New York. funny when good things happen it's Jehovah's Organization and when bad and wicked actions occur we blame Satan attacking Jehovah's clean people.
  • GrreatTeacher

    That's the nature of mind control. They breed in phobias of apostates.

    It's not really your fault. They use unfair tactics.

    Some people figure it all out as teenagers, some figure it out years later, but most don't figure it out at all. So, I'd say you're in a pretty special group!

  • GrreatTeacher

    William draper, the whole focus on clothing drove me crazy, too. It was a fashin show every Sunday. When I thought about all the dress clothes my parents bought for us kids, I realized that we actually could have had nice school clothes instead. Maddening.

    One of the last memorials I went to I wore pants/trousers. They are appropriate for every other area of my life, so it should be good enough for them, too. I never wear dresses now.

  • Ninjamaskinen
    Non violent protest should not be demonized. Even if it doesn't cause droves of people to question their religion, it may just reach one person that experiences it. That one person is a difference maker.
  • Ucantnome

    When attending Meetings during your zealous involvement with Organiztation would protestors using strongarm methods have changed your minds they way facts on JWN and JW-Facts have?

    When i was a Witness neither would have changed my mind and I left before I had the internet so JWN and JW-Facts have had no bearing on my leaving. The account at Acts 5;32-42 had an influence on my view. My change of mind simply came down to my own conscience and what it allowed me to do or not do. I would not have read anything I viewed as possibly being 'apostate' or have listened to those who had left the organization.

  • william draper
    william draper

    I must make a correction , I previously said , I never did believe it was the TRUTH , over time that teaching did become part of my belief , and it has taken quite some time to get over it , there are literal tracks that develop in your mind which hold certain beliefs , and it takes a while to really sort through things , throw out the bad and keep the good .

    THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT G . T. , All that dressing up has no place at meetings which supposedto be for the critical essentials .

  • OrphanCrow
    Ninja: Non violent protest should not be demonized. Even if it doesn't cause droves of people to question their religion, it may just reach one person that experiences it. That one person is a difference maker.

    I am not sure what you mean by "non violent protest", Ninja. I am going to assume that your comment relates to the recent display by some young, immature men at the Memorial.

    A violent act does not need to be defined by whether or not it causes physical injury - many acts are violent in nature by the virtue of aggressiveness. There is a big difference between aggressiveness and assertiveness.

    Aggressiveness attacks other people's space - assertiveness is about claiming your own space.

    The nature of the relationship between the JW adherents and the WTS is an abusive and controlling one. And, with that in mind, any attacks or aggressive methods only serve to tighten the bond between the WTS and the JW.

    So, your comment that "it may just reach one person that experiences it. That one person is a difference maker" is a fallacy. That one person comes at a pretty high price - the aggressive actions required to 'save' that one person can, and does, throw all the other JWs under the bus, who could potentially be reached with more sophisticated methods. For every one you 'save', you sacrifice the countless others who could be 'saved' but instead are pushed into an even tighter relationship with the WTS by that aggressive action.

  • truthseekeriam
    Not at all, if anything it just made me feel they had some serious mental issues. Funny because I was the one with mental issues!

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