hell's bells
just tell them you have pioneer spirit
and leave it at that....
by miseryloveselders 74 Replies latest jw friends
hell's bells
just tell them you have pioneer spirit
and leave it at that....
Wonder if this means that I'll actually SEE a Jehovah's Witness in this subdivision - haven't seen one here in around 4 years..
No. They'll be driving around between return visits which are on opposite ends of the territory (and who were not at home at this time yesterday) and at McDonald's (or Starbucks in wealthier areas).
MLE, do you worry that they'll ask you to step down as an elder if you fail to enrol? Does that worry you? It's always great on this board hearing your insights as an elder, but wouldn't it lessen your misery?
yet one more attempt by the WTS at accomplishing absolutely nothing more efficiently.
Didn't you fools read that scripture in Luke where Jesus commands his disciples to go out preaching for 30 hours in April?
Hmmm...will the GB be taking the lead by putting in applications as well?
MLE, do you worry that they'll ask you to step down as an elder if you fail to enrol? Does that worry you? It's always great on this board hearing your insights as an elder, but wouldn't it lessen your misery?
No, I'm not concerned about that. They wouldn't have sufficient grounds to do so. Nobody on that body is dynamic enough to get at me in that fashion anyways. Not saying they're spineless, but they don't want to deal with controversy, and neither do I. Besides, I'm positive that there will be at least a few other elders, and servants that aren't going to do this either. Now my current CO, that's possibly a different story. I have a feeling that come his next visit, him and I are going to have a problem. Its too early to tell at this time, but during his last visit, we were pretty distant. Granted I don't bother to get too close with people anyway, but this was different as I feel that he slighted me. I can't go into details at this time, maybe in the future, but I don't really care for this guy. I didn't even bother meeting his wife, don't know her name, and don't care either. She might as well be a woman who keyed my car, as I have no warm feelings toward her. By her being married to him, as the brother who threatened us at the KM School for Elders put it, she's "culpable."
It's going to be interesting how him and I will get along his next visit. I'm thinking about returning the favor to him by going on vacation during his next visit, as he has a problem with brothers who do that during his scheduled visit. Going on vacation may be a way for me to say "eff you", without actually having to verbalize it. We'll see, time will tell. To be fair, the problem may be more on my side as since my awakening, I've got a real problem with brothers and sisters who don't work and make their living off of the contributions of working people. You Bethel monitors, if you're reading this, do me a favor, report to your superiors that Misery said, "Get a job and stop mooching in the name of Jehovah."
By the way, I'm not miserable, although I was when I picked that screen name, and was for several month afterwards too. It was hell to say the least trying to rationalize all that I've learned here with the reality of my family situation. Things are a lot better now since I've been able to put things in perspective and take a more balanced approach to it all. Not saying I'm ecstatic with joy over life, but I'm not miserable either. Life as it is, is doable. I just wish I hadda come across all this information before I got baptized. I could have avoided a whole lot of unneccesary stress and nonsense.
Oh good grief there will be no getting near the Donut Shop in April !
I have been thinking of setting up an information table @ Walmart to counter the JW table they set up there in summer ......maybe April would be a GOOD time :)
WELL.....my wife just notified me that she'll be playing the April pioneer game as well.
I've already warned her that I'm not going to be one of those husbands who stay at home twiddling his thumbs while she goes out socializing with her pioneer buddies all the time if she wants to do this long term.
Also, if she wants to do this long term, she's going to have to figure out a way to support it.
Shouldn't be hard for someone who hasn't had to work in the last 14 years.
MLE- I think you are on the right track with planning a "vacation or staycation" during the CO visit...you are not the only elder to pull that one & if you want to stay under the raddar until he exits it might be a good idea. I know I was never an elder, but my exit took place right after a new CO took over our circuit...I only met him once, he wouldn't remember my name, he had no emotional connection to me (where the last one was trying to help me with my husband-abandonment issues). I think if you planned to step down from eldership just as the current CO was doing his last tour of duty (you both dont see eye to eye & he will be preparing to move on anyway and wont want to extend himself to deal with you personally), then you could plan a more accelerated fade when the new CO arrives...
just a suggestion