From time to time we read faith-strengthening experiences of brothers and sisters who undergo ferocious persecution while maintianing their integrity. Even when faced with torture and death, these valiant martyrs "hold fast" to the source of their real strength, which is........
.......Watchtower publications???
Here's a gem that was shared with me, and now I have the honor of relating it to you all. I hope you all are as moved as I was. It goes like this:
There once was a young girl (no age given) who was imprisoned (no location given) for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Everyday, she was horribly beaten by her guards. Incredibly, she endured these beatings and didn't even feel the blows. The reason for this was that she had Watchtower literature in her cell which she would study diligently everyday. Well, one day she decided to take a break from the studying and instead read a regular novel. This proved to be a poor choice, because on the day which she neglected study for a fictional novel, she FELT every blow.
This made her be determined to NEVER neglect her study or pick up a non-Watchtower publication ever again.
The JW who told related this "experience" did it so convincingly that all the other JWs present shook their heads and were amazed. I, unfortunatly, experienced confusion instead of amazement. I was perplexed as to how she could have literature in her cell that she could study if she was under such oppressive prison conditions. Likewise, I'm assuming that the guards took a 10-minute break in between beatings so she could run down to the prison library to check out a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird.
Anywho, I want to share this experience with you all. I hope you found it encouraging.