How do they go about picking the leader of the congregation?
How do they pick the C.O.T.B.O.E / P.O ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Mad Sweeney
They all look blankly at each other until someone says, "Ok, I'll take it! Just don't make me Secretary!!!"
You might think I'm joking but I'm pretty sure that's how it works most of the time.
The Body of Elder's have a lying competition;
the Elder who can tell the most believable lies becomes the CoBoE or PO.
The WTBTS firmly believes ALL appointments are actually made by Holy Spirit!
Probably it is all forgotten now, but for a while (a few years) after the elders/governing body was set up in the 1970s they actually rotated the elders through each elder position, including presiding overseer.
It quickly enough reverted back to the old way - more or less permanent appointment - within a few years due to political problems.
BTW - edit to add: I specifically remember some publication saying "the bible SEEMS to indicate a "rotation of elders"" -
Seems to??? I remember thinking at the time - where the hell did they dig this up? - I couldn't think of a single even remotely relavent bible verse on "rotation".
Biblical or not, they did it for 3 or 4 years after the elder arrangement was made.
Edit again - I have since come to suspect it was done to justify effective rotation of the governing body chairmanship as a way to limit the power of good old false prophet Freddy Franz.
I think they would pick the most experienced elder to be the PO, it is not always the case though.
Seriously, the body is supposed to select the best person for each position.
Also, the C.O. will do his best to sway the body sometimes to put the best bootlicker there.I suppose C.O.'s give points to the elders to choose which one he'd like to see there.
1 point for owning a minivan for service.
2 points for having a hot wife, 1 more if she's very hospitable and a good cook.
4 points if an elder is a pioneer.
5 points if he's known for green handshakes.
3 points if he refers to WT literature before the Bible. -
Pitchess Co-Gen
"5 points if he's known for green handshakes. "
When I come back I will do plenty of those. What my new plan is too come back to the truth and try to make it better from within .
10 points from the CO for worshipping the Watchtower.
What would you guess, about what percentage of elders don't want to be the P.O.?
Witness My Fury
I'd say 80 percent dont want the responsibility and extra flack it attracts.
Often the typical PO is one of two types.
1. Ambitious power hungry and controlling, ...he WANTs the position / authority / respect. Once there he will do ANYTHING to retain and protect that position.
2. Humble earnest believer, often an accidental PO. Often ends up PO thru others not wanting it, so he feels compelled to serve or else the CO makes him PO. Will give the position up whenever it is required.
The latter makes for a better and more refreshing choice. I for one am sick of the ambitious controlling jerks we usually end up with....