Can someone explain to me why it's good for the U.S. economy to collapse?

by Botzwana 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Botzwana

    I don't get it. They are printing money KNOWING it will hurt the economy. So why do it? I don't get the benefit of a destroyed america.

  • villabolo

    The Great Depression, the Tulip craze, Peak Oil...etc.. What's there not to get?

    It's simple psychology.


    And no, that's not a river in Egypt.


  • WTWizard

    The best thing in the long run is to let the whole world economy crash. Let the Rothschilds and everyone else that think they own us end up losing all their assets, or having them all become totally worthless. Then, let this condition persist just long enough for them to become powerless and destitute.

    Of course, this condition is just as unstable as the debt we are in now. With a totally destroyed economy, those who create value will be the ones that have, and the parasites that steal and mooch off of us will be the ones that don't. The harder anyone works to create value in society, the wealthier they will become. And, so long as they feel zero compassion for those who simply wish to mooch and steal from them, it will stay that way. True, they can teach people to create more value (and drive the new expansion even faster), but they should never give to those too lazy and/or dishonest to help themselves. This condition can sustain itself as long as no one ever tricks people into giving for a "higher" cause again--if that ever happens, another depression where everything becomes worthless again will be inevitable to root such corruption back out.

    In the meantime, gold and silver are never going to become worthless. If we get hyperinflation, those printing toilet paper money will find themselves wasting more money buying paper and ink to print toilet paper dollars than the toilet paper dollars can buy. As for prices, you will find that the same amount of gold or silver can buy the same amount of goods--or more--today than ever. Fact is, I find it true--gas, in terms of silver, is around 11 cents a gallon. Batteries (the high-grade D rechargeables, at that) cost about 19 cents each in terms of gold. Your $4 loaf of bread is about 1/10 of an ounce of silver, plus or minus. A candy bar costs 80 cents in toilet paper dollars--in gold, it is 2 cents. You pay $1.50 for a Sunday paper (or $2), which is roughly 1/15 to 1/20 ounce of silver. A $4 box of cereal costs about 1/8 ounce of silver, or about what it was all century. Perhaps the solution in the interim is to dump your toilet paper dollars and buy gold and silver.

  • designs

  • Vidiot

    WtWizard - "The best thing in the long run is to let the whole world economy crash. Let the Rothschilds and everyone else that think they own us end up losing all their assets, or having them all become totally worthless. Then, let this condition persist just long enough for them to become powerless and destitute."

    I don't always agree with what you say, Wiz, but on this one, I gotta admit the notion appeals to the giggling little leftist/anarchist inside me...

  • ProdigalSon

    It's the collapse of the Rockefeller-Rothschild Black Nobility World Mafia that we need. Unfortunately, that is who is in control of America.

    Many reasons, off the top of my head:

    The end of Elite Tyranny.

    The release of long-suppressed knowledge including cures for diseases and maybe even death.

    Americans need a wake up call. The majority of them are either poor and fat or rich and obnoxious.

    Revelation chapter 18.

  • AGuest

    It is so interesting, what people "fear" (may you all have peace!). What ever happened to:

    "Do not worry as to what you will eat or what you will put on..."?

    I like "things", truly, I do. I have things. Lots of things. But there are all kinds of things that can occur in one's lifespan to threaten those things besides a failed economy. Ask any parent/child living in a third world country. Or one where an earthquake just took out most of the nation. Or a parent/child in a western country, with a titanium strong economy... but a traumatic injury or terminal illness.

    Might we in the western world one have to drink water from plastic barrels (vs. from the streets as some now do)... or ration out grain (as some now do)? Perhaps. But is there truly any reason to believe we wouldn't survive it (I mean, since we're so "superior" and all)... other than our deep-rooter reliance on "cushiness"?

    Perhaps some of us spend way too much time lamenting the possibility of a less affluent, more meager life. IMHO, unless someone (or someone they love) is in serious chronic pain, is incurably chronically... or terminally ill... or has just died... or is being abused in some fashion... most of us really have nothing to "worry" about (you know, besides keeping up with the neighbors... or the Rothchilds). I mean, folks are always talking about "survival of the fittest." While that may mean those who can hunt will eat, it also means that if you can't do without your "stuff"... which you need a "strong" economy for... you most probably won't survive, either.

    I mean, I'm just sayin'...

    Perhaps it would be better to go and help someone less fortunate in a part of the world where the economy has alreadh crashed (better yet, where there IS no economy!)... and see how THEY do it... and stop lamenting the possibility that your [little] world just might crash. Because for some, it already has. Many times. And yet... they live. Even happily.

    Again, peace... and perhaps a little less "me-me-mine-mine"... to you all, truly!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, just tryin' to give ya'll giving a reality check

  • jaguarbass

    Maybe the powers that be are trying to bring about a one world government.

    Or maybe the people that are printing all the money are clueless, none of them seem to bright to me.

    Maybe they figure they got to do something, print money,

    instead of doing nothing, not printing money.

  • Botzwana
  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Perhaps they are printing money out of fear of stagflation.


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