we go to the local diner and there are about a dozen or so jw there. my brother picks a table right next to them and we just went off talking loud about one false wt teaching after an other. Keep in mind these jw know us. we had a field day my brother is a great wts historian and he kept the pressure on as the jw's listened TO one crazy teaching after and other. They never talked to us but we layed it on THICK. I know they heard us. and we counted time exposing those wt zombies. LOL TILL they all left the diner. going back home we ran into an other 2 old time jw's. and boy did we have fun I set them up on "millions now living will never die" and let them DIG A HOLE FOR THEM SELVES; as my brother was dropping bombs about the "golden age mag" We went over john 6 49-70 and the REJECTION OF CHRIST THEY GOT LOST IN HOW JESUS WAS TALKING TO THE PUBLIC ASSEMBLY. I was just warming up and gave them a list false teaching from" studies in the scriptures" they tried the LIGHT IS GETTING BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER. But my brother stopped them in their track and asked " WHAT LIGHT WAS THERE FROM JEHOVAH ABOUT 1874 1799 1844 1914 1925 1941 ETC. LONG story short we befuddled these jw's. and I gave then a one page list to look up if what I was saying was true from wts publications. It was like taking from a baby. I just hope they learn something or call me bck to learn more. JYD
anti witnessing with my apostate brother
by JunkYardDog 10 Replies latest jw friends
Since i'm unemployed I may just go to this diner a few times a week that I know is a hot bed of jw's. And bring my wts books and read out loud one false teaching after and other. keep in mind I will be working the 20 year olds that still have a chance to make something of thier lives. THE dog is alway sniffing out the streets. JYD
Hey JYD...GRAB them cakes!!!
Well JYD, I like taking candy from those JW cry-babies, too! Good trick you pulled with your brother. I hope you get a new job, soon.
I've seen the JWs a few times around time. Always gets me mad, at myself, for not having a good "apostate" stuff I can read. Having a list of false predictions in my pocket would be great!
MOSHE; i can't tell the whole story here on jwd . but if you were there ,I'm sure you would have even chased them out of the diner faster than I did. not to worry i plan on going back 3 times a week with my apostate brother and shake up the local cong. and PISS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THEM. . pass the candy
Alright JYD...I guess you didn't take your name from the wrestler of the same name. My bad.
JYD, I have slowly come to the conclusion that active JWs suffer from a dillusional form of mental illness. They cling to their delusions ( I'll never die- I'll live in paradise) and their martyr complex like a fat tick on an elephant. The WT org may be big and powerful, but the lowly JWs are just tiny parasites to them- tolerated as long as they serve their masters, the GB, but subject to being Df'd the moment they question their authority. The problem with trying to reason with a crazy person, is their is danger in the rescuer becoming depressed, too. Unfortunately, getting rid of JWs is about as likely as turning cockroaches into "nice bugs".
Moshe; I was working that angle on the 2 jw's we did talk with. how the leaders in bethel didn't give a shit about the regular jw's using john 6 and how they make jw's reject the bread and wine. we read john 6 and they called Jesus a liar, twisted the verses beyond belief. they claimed the wts propheciesed WW1` and I went off on them how the wt is lying to them and wrote about a half a page . of stuff for them to look up from "studies in the scriptures" saying the world was to end in 1914. they went into Hitler and the jw's saying over 10,000 were killed in the camps . I told them it was about 216 jw's killed in the camps and promised I could back it up from wt mag's. My brother really went off on the Hitler stuff and buried them on how the wt was kissing up to Hitler before the wt was banned in Germany. I mainly was working the angle " that with proper research anyone can see that the wts are nothing more than CON MEN LYING ABOUT THEIR HISTORY" to the rank and file jw's. I realy worked 1914 and 1925 and other dates. I want to thank my brother , who was cool and level headed and kept bringing up wt false teaching that have slipped my mind. It was a productive day and I look foward to working with my brother who knows the local jw's well and they are scared shit of him and they hate me even more than they hate him. but yes jw's do have a form of BRAIN DAMAGE.
I wonder what would happen if you tagged along as they go house to house.