DanaBug, that sounds like a description of Papal infallibility.
Parts of it could be. At least the Catholics can trace it back to Peter and they are allowed to question and discuss doctrine freely. JW's choosing is invisible and they don't provide any evidence for it such as the spiritual food at that time that Jesus found worthy. They quote one parable from Jesus. I know they don't claim to be infallible. But think about it, if you make it known that you don't believe the generation is overlapping, what would happen if you're a baptized witness? If a witness says they don't believe this organization was chosen by Jesus in 1919, what happens? And then how are they thought of if they refuse to change their belief and get kicked out? Does any good person leave the JW's? If that belief changed later, would the df'd person be apologized to and welcomed back? How do JW's view the world and other Christians? Do they say you can read the Bible and understand it without their help? What do they say is the only religion that has the truth? What outside sources do JW's read regarding religion and the Bible? How many ex-JW stories have you read that have the same pattern of grievances? How many books, articles, and news shows have documented abuse, whether it's of a child or spiritual? And their Jonestown kool-aid is refusing blood transfusions. It's happens more slowly over a longer period of time so people don't notice it, but it's the same thing.
Just go over the list, one by one and see if it fits. If it walks like a duck...