This video traces our migration out of Africa and explains, through DNA evidence, how humans colonized the world. It is part of the Made Easy series of videos that show the evidence of our origins, from the Big Bang onwards.
Human Ancestry Made Easy.
by whereami 17 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for posting,WAI, it is a very clear presentation of facts that literalist interpreters of the Bible will find uncomfortable.
Howsabout "Evolution for Dummies"?
...or better yet...
Look, look.
See Dick and Jane adapt.
viv, "Evolution for Dummies"?
it exist. its called "variation within a kind" (ducks)
Very interesting. Thanks for posting this information. I do have a yearning to find my background and our common ancestry.
What!? You mean we all didn't come from white people and we're all really from *gasp* Africa?!
What!? You mean we all didn't come from white people and we're all really from *gasp* Africa?!
I just want to know what happened to my dancing gene. I somehow evolved 2 left feet during my exodus out of Africa.
What!? You mean we all didn't come from white people and we're all really from *gasp* Africa?!
nah nah, you did not evooooolve, nah nah!
bow to me, and my dysfunctional melanine alleles!
What!? You mean we all didn't come from white people and we're all really from *gasp* Africa?!
LOL, does this mean I now get to check the African American box?
My first major step to leaving wts behind was my interest in Mammoths and other ice age animals. When I realized that humans hunted mammoths, I KNEW that the flood could not have happened as depicted in the bible. Soon after that revelation, I did an indepth research paper on early humankind. I realized that the time table presented in the bible just couldn't support the time table science used. Believe it or not, before this revelation, I really did not think there was a conflict between bible accounts and facts---only the interpretation of the facts.
So, this video pretty much outlines the second step that led to my exit. Thanks for sharing it.
Oh I got it, So Adam was african? or Noah?