Good Grief!
How dumb can this future landfill waste magazine get? Take a look at the March issue, "Five Keys To Better Health". It's filled with paragraph headlines such as:
"Do Not Eat Too Much" really? Never gave it any thought. What an amazing insight.
"Get Enough Rest" Brothers, I've noticed that I get very tired every night and often experience a loss of consciousness for 8 hours or so. Is that OK?
"Avoid Injuring Yourself" - after driving nails into my hand, it feels so good to stop. Is that bad?
Perhaps future articles will instruct you on finding your derriere using both hands. Or the folly of urinating into a strong wind.
I can see that getting people to habitually switch into a sort of 7 year old mentality probably saves the Watchtower a lot of headaches. Slow down all that thinking and maintain control.