Proof positive
by Mary 51 Replies latest jw friends
Proof positive
OK Villabolo, I retract my statement.
Serves me right for not reading the bible completely.
According to scholars the word for donkey
in the original Greek has been mistranslated.
They speculate that the colt in Matthew 24
was eaten by the "donkey".
While there's universal agreement that
Christ's triumphal entry was on a dinosaur,
scholars are embroiled in a controversy
over which exact species it was.
Villabolo, those pictures are hilarious... I am not computer savvy or I'd make some up like these, also. Glad you're around to do it!
Quandry. From one computer illiterate to another, there's nothing to it.
Imagination, not expertise at any level, is the key.
Just open a new window or tab from the one your viewing JWN on and Google whatever subject you brainstorm.
Then left click "Images" on the upper left corner of the Google page.
Now you'll get a whole bunch of images and you can select the one you want.
Right click on your selected image. A window with options will show up. Then left click on "Copy".
Then go back to JWN and right click on the commentary box and your final step is to left click "Paste".
Presto. Simpler than it sounds.
I used "Jesus on a dinosaur" as my Google search words for allo those images, including the one below.
Just a minute! Are we to suppose that it was not YHWH who created dinosaurs? How come the animals are sometimes preserved well enough for scientists to be able to break their genome?
Dgp. Those relatively well preserved animals you cite are Mammoths which have been frozen for only 20,000+ years. Furthermore, their DNA is seriously messed up to the point where it takes some fancy techniques and a lot of patience to get anything out of them. Keep in mind that these creatures usually have only their shaggy coat and dessicated remnants of some internal organs semi preserved.
Dinosaurs, on the other hand, are 60 million+ years old and have not had the luxury of being frozen. That's 3,000 times longer than these Mammoth remains. Even if they had been frozen for those 60 million+ years they would still have decomposed to the point where very little would remain and any remaining DNA would have been altered beyond recognition.
All right, they are mammoths. 20,000 years old, you said?
I remember being told by one elder that Satan had manufacturered the bones and hidden them to make humans disregard the bible.
, dinosaurs millions of years ago isn't necessarily a problem, man's existence on earth is believed to be only slightly over 6,000 years.
...The WTS have not said in recent years that each creative day is 7,000 years, that is true. However they have NOT said that the creative periods could be millions of years long either.