Scans of Golden Age, grape cure articles

by FatFreek 2005 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Does anyone have scans of certain Golden Age magazines? Specifically, I'm looking for the following articles:

    1. "The Ehret System of Elimination", Golden Age, March 20, 1929, p. 399-401.
    2. "The Ehret System of Elimination", Golden Age, April 3, 1929, p. 434.
    3. "More About the Ehret System", Golden Age, May 29, 1929, p. 564.

    Those, plus any articles which reference Professor Ehret or Johanna Brandt with descriptions of their grape cures.

    Len Miller

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    We had an extensive JW library collection,dating back to early Russell days. When my father died, we wanted all the lit like a hot potato. What a shame. Before the internet, though, it was hard to connect with other former Witnesses.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    What a shame.

    Yes, a great shame if they were destroyed. There is a wealth of many of those publications online in several archival web sites. However, Golden Age issues are scarce during many of its published years.


  • Leolaia

    Darn, I had access to 1929 Golden Ages a few months ago when I was in New York and was able to look up any article....I put a query in my GAG thread but no one responded.

  • processor

    I have lots of Golden Age scans but unfortunately none from 1929. However, I have a scan from the German edition ("Das Goldene Zeitalter") that is about Prof. Ehret and his diets. It says that there is no disease except for "the unexcreted matter" and that the reason for all diseases is the white skin. If white men would stop eating bread they would become colored and healthy.

    IIf you want the German scan, just post here or send a PM.

  • VM44

    This is hard to believe, but "The Grape Cure," by Johanna Brandt is STILL available!!!

    The Grape Cure

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Darn, I had access to 1929 Golden Age s a few months ago when I was in New York and was able to look up any article....I put a query in my GAG thread but no one responded.

    Hmmm ... that is unfortunate, Leo. Do you reckon if an old apostate like me visited Bethel, they'd let me take my point-and-shoot camera (it does great copy work) inside their library? Ha!

    Hi Processor, and thanks for the offer. But I have Ehret's book on the subject and I needed it in English for visual support of an article I've written.

    That is interesting, VM44. The only person I knew of that used that cure was the congregation servant (the PO at that time) of Marshalltown, Iowa. The year was 1956. This young teenager (me) met him in a convalescent home in nearby Story City. Willard was one of a clan of Bridgmans that had roots in the Org from the early 30's. Willard never made it out of that home alive.


  • Leolaia

    You don't need to take the point-and-shoot into Bethel. Just go to the New York City Public Library.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I have a CD that has all of the pubs from 1920 to 1942. I'm not sure if the '29 Consolation you want is on there, but I'll look if you don't find it anywhere else. At the moment it is in my attic and inaccessible due to construction work going on in my house. Give me a week or two and if you don't find it, send me a PM and I'll try to retrieve it for you.


  • saltyoldlady

    Once upon a time Research Applications International was going to release all these old Golden Age issues on CD's - they started with Vol 3 which I purchased and ran from 1932 thru 1937 but it was the earlier ones that were the most fun to read. Does anyone know what happened to that project?

    I did get a massive collection from Stephen Searle (in the days I was still allowed to purchase his things - loss of his site my biggest heartbreak upon exit from the WTS) but I am not yet sure of what all it does include. Will take me considerable time to sort thru - but perhaps if you just email him with a request he can come up with it for you.

    By the way even though your old friend died the grape cure has worked on occasion and has some scientific basis for being very beneficial in certain cancer cases - Grapes are a very high potassium source - read Gerson's work with his pigeons - if he kept their diets high in potassium it was nearly impossible to get cancer implants to take hold. This was one of the reasons he went for his massive veggie/fruit onslaught with cancer patients.

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