Is it possible for very religious unmarried folks to have regular sex before marriage?

by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepingbeauty
    I spent 20 years looking over my shoulder and trying to be the Best JW Possible....

    Slaving for the Borg I felt that somehow all my efforts would make up for my indiscretion and that my earnest efforts were earning me brownie points & making me clean & an upstanding JW ..

    Yet I never ever felt clean & always felt disgusted with myself ... It affected my married life for years...

    God do I feel such a FOOL :(

    If there was a God of love he would NEVER want this....

  • bigmac

    just a suggestion--

    --if you--

    are very religious

    are unmarried

    are about to have intercourse--

    then pray out loud & long to your preferred god for forgiveness--

    --most likely it will kill the mood stone dead.

  • Leprechaun

    Rebel8 that was funny. I know huh, some of these question blow me away.

  • thetrueone

    Sad and unfortunate that many young people like the JWs who get married are doing so only to have sex.

    Many such as myself did so because of the threating digression from parents about sex and the whole morality thing.

    Thats why you still see JWS teenagers getting married far and away from when they are mentally and emotionally prepared to

    take on such personal responsibility.

    JWS teen getting married around 17 , 18 is and was quite common back in the 70's, today it might be a couple years more but not by much.

    The other unfortunate fact is many of these young marriages ended in divorce just a few years later on.

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