I got some notes from a talk that Guy Pierce of the Governing Body gave in the past few years. There was a good portion on eduation. These are the relevant notes (not a transcript):
Our faith is based on the highest education today. Some say that JWs are anti-education. Nothing could be further from the truth. We go to the highest education. Jehovah knows everything. What puny humans or professors teach doesn't come close to Jehovah. Pierce's went to Japan. Met a man who was a pathologist; a brilliant man, good-hearted. He dedicated his life to find the source of disease. His University studies, post-graduate studies, he opened a clinic. He began to study the Bible with JWs. He learned what happened in Eden and saw the futility of his life's work. He saw that medical science cannot change what happened in Eden. He lost all interest in medicine, closed his clinic, and pioneered. What a brilliant decision; Just like Paul (Phillipians 3:7,8). Considered worldly accomplishments like garbage because of his ecucation. We already have the excelling value of Christ. Why spend our life going through garbage?
Parents and Jehovah wants what's best for your children. Who knows what's best? Some say "well that work's in America... but not in my culture." Paul was not an American. Br. Pierce lived in an area where 95% of young ones go directly into pioneer service from hight school. He's never seen any happier, they blossomed emotionally and spiritually. Many are still in the full-time service. Br. Pierce has helped many to come into the truth. Many who come into the truth are of modest means. Some are successfull businessmen, accomplished musicians, engineers, sports figures, etc. Now they use these talents to promote Kingdom interetes. The previously mentioned doctor in Japan is practicing medicine again. He is using his abilities to keep the brothers patched up so they can continue their work.
"They abandoned their dead works." Some aquire university education while in the truth. They are now using their talents to forward kingdom interests. That is a wonderful thing. But they have repented from their dead works [higher education]. Otherwise they would not have valued their course [of higher education] (Heb 6:1). Dead works are spiritually dead. They have no bearing with our relationship with Jehovah and surviving the end of this system of things.