The nearest they got in the past (that I could find) to 'spirit-guided King' was in 1956 with:
*** w56 7/1 p. 406 par. 13 Why One Must Be Baptized ***
The holy spirit was the force that inspired the prophets of old to write God's holy Word. It was the force that directed the early Christians after their resurrected, spirit-guided Head and Master ascended to heaven. (Luke 4:18-21; Acts 2:16-18; 2 Pet. 1:21, NW)
Yeah the article title struck me as weird too. 'Spirit-directed' or 'spirit-guided' is nearly always attached to men's counsel, words, and more often to the organization.
Doesn't Acts 2:33 show (assuming the holy spirit is an 'active force') that Jesus now directs the holy spirit and not the other way around?