I learned to be gay because I slept with my hands under the covers. ;D
Recent Research on Gay JWs
by laverite 16 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the post. Book marking.
Looks interesting. I wish I had acces to this article.
I learned to be gay because I slept with my hands under the covers. ;D
Geez, I must be a lesbian then.
Thanks for the tip....I took a quick look at it. It is a pretty interesting piece of ethnographic work, looking at the JW situation through the lens of Erving Goffman's work on stigma. One part of the discussion I really found interesting was the comparison and contrast between the stigma of being a JW (I really went ugh reading the part about the guy who had to bring JW literature to school because his parents viewed the school as his "territory") with the stigma of being gay, and the ways in which the former is different from and informs the latter. I'll have to take a closer look at the article sometime later.
Some say that homosexuality is rooted in the genes. Others say it is a learned behavior. It is not the purpose of this article to delve into the “nature-versus-nurture” debate. Indeed, it seems that it would be a gross oversimplification to attribute homosexuality to a single cause. Homosexuality—much like other forms of behavior—appears to be far more complex than that.
That must have been in the public edition of the WT
@MrFreeze- I agree- it is not a choice- it's what feelings and desires come naturally.
@mrsjones5- aren't you glad you discovered the truth about yourself!!!! LOL!
@Laverite- thank you!