Just getting into his books and I'm hooked. He was a fantastic author.
Louis L'Amour
by White Dove 16 Replies latest social entertainment
White Dove
He writes fast moving stories with tons of action and some romance. They read like the western movies talk.
He is fantastic. I read one of his series, and then a single book about a soldier with eskimo blood doing something in Russia. It's been a while. I think the series was the Sacketts. My adopted dad loved him too.
White Dove
So far, my favorite has been The Iron Marshal.
It's a mystery, sort of.
I like how he writes from his own experiences, such as boxing and knowledge of how the frontier feels.
He adds unpredictible twists and turns.
Lunatic Faith
My whole family have read his books for decades. My hubby has the whole set. My favorites, that I have read again and again: Comstock Load, Conagher, and Cherokee Trail. Enjoy!!