Crazy Is Flirting a Sin? Q & A

by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • VampireDCLXV

    I believe more in cause and effect than the sin thing.
    I am kind of a flirt by nature but IRL I'm not very skilled at playing the game; it often explodes in my face so I'm a little bit gunshy. It's so much easier to flirt online. It also so happens that I am friendly and inquisitive myself and that has been mistaken for more dastardly intentions. It makes for a rough ride in life.
    I belive that if a people are going to do it, great caution must be taken. All parties involved must know what game is being played or we get aforementioned hurt feelings and jealousy. I also think that people should refrain from it when they are in serious comitted relationships: flirting with others should be off the table, period.


  • vivalavida
    Can I catch a disease from lusting? How about if I wear a rubber hat? What if I flirt but stop just short of lusting?

    Really funny! Love the rubber hat thing!


  • dgp


    I do believe it makes a valid point, that if you engage in flirting you should be aware of where it may lead.
    Of course, it may lead to exactly where you want to go !
    But also be aware that if you are just flirting for entertainment, you could easily end up hurting the recipient, which whether you believe in the bible or a God or not, harming another wilfully is wrong.

    Yes and yes.


    I don't view it as "sinful", but I do view it as problematic. For one thing, I can't seem to tell whether I'm being flirted with or whether she's just being nice and maybe a bit gregarious. I think some women (and men) get labeled as flirtatious when in fact they are simply friendly. That's why I've soured on it over the years. Unless both people are definitely trying to send a signal that they want to date, I just don't see the value of it.
    I realize that some people just want to flirt in order to put a 'feeler' out, to see whether someone might be interested. That's fine, but I think that, unless it's an unmistakable signal, it can be misconstrued. And worse yet is when friendliness is mistaken as flirting.

    Yes and yes.

    As a worldly, I have a question. I know this is maybe off-topic but I have a personal interest in this myself, and I'm seizing the opportunity.

    And I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I just want to bring a different perspective to this issue.

    If a Jehovah's witness flirts with you, is that a sin, according to the WT? The witness knows full well that very likely the relationship will get nowhere, plain nowhere. Is it correct to flirt? We're all human, and I'm positive that we can fall in love of the "wrong person", but, would flirting in this circumstances, if CORRECTLY UNDERSTOOD to mean what it means, be a good thing?

    In my case, the witness in question allowed herself some real closeness with worldlies. Her justification was that she just knew she would never ever have anything to do with them. The moment the worldly got interested, "she lost interest".

    On this basis, I believe that flirting is not a sin, but you should consider very carefully where it could lead, and you should certainly be honest. If you were flirting, don't say people misunderstood you. Stand up and say something like "yes, I flirted and you read the signs correctly". I am yet to see a case when this happens, worldly relationship or not.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There is no simple answer to this. Flirting can be fun if you're single and you aren't misleading someone.

  • finallyfree!

    no flirting is not a sin technically. it is a no-no if you're in a committed relationship. but really flirting is not the sin. its the sin, that is the sin. if you go out and have a honkytonk good time with a gal or guy then its the great sex that is the sin and not the flirting. its like saying owning a gun is a sin because you could seriously harm someone with it. but until you actually take that gun, aim it at someone with intent and pull the trigger you have not sinned. same deal with flirting...if you aim your loaded gun and get it off then there's your sin. mind you in the day and age we live in, wild random sex is quite common and enjoyable if you take the proper precautions and is no longer really viewed as a sin as most people are no longer letting their lives be controlled by religion.

  • mindmelda

    How can you stop flirting entirely when sexual tension between the sexes is normal? I'm married and I flirt with certain people. So does my husband. And we've always been faithful to each other, because it goes no further, and everyone knows we're happily married right up front.

    People who don't get that when I'm direct about it, well, I don't know what to say to them except that they're clueless. I'm not going to leave my husband just because I say something funny to them or tell them they're handsome.

    I think the burka takes care of that whole flirting thing more completely than anything else I know of.

  • mindmelda

    Oh, I forgot to add...I really don't believe in sin anymore, so no I don't think of anything in those terms, not the way the guy who was asked the question believes in it.

  • cyberjesus

    i flirt with myself all the time and i think i like it.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If a Jehovah's witness flirts with you, is that a sin, according to the WT? The witness knows full well that very likely the relationship will get nowhere, plain nowhere. Is it correct to flirt? We're all human, and I'm positive that we can fall in love of the "wrong person", but, would flirting in this circumstances, if CORRECTLY UNDERSTOOD to mean what it means, be a good thing?

    Sorry I didn't see this question earlier. I hadn't read this thread because, well, no one flirts with me.....

    Anyway, to answer your question, no, it's not something that would be considered proper conduct for a JW, particularly a female.

    If a person was known to be a flirt in the congregation, it could lead to some ramifications. Remember, JWs can't date for recreation, so any conduct between the sexes is strictly controlled.

    In the workplace, a JW may feel that s/he doesn't have the same restrictions because there's no other JWs to observe her conduct. Your co-worker may think she can flirt indiscriminately, because, ultimately, there's no chance in her mind that she'd date an unbeliever, so maybe she saw it as a little bit of fun. It may also be a release for her, because she can't practise flirting at the KH, but she can practise at work with friends.

  • Robdar

    I'm a reformed flirt and not just because I am married now and do not wish to hurt my husband. I started backing off a few years ago when I realized that I was really just flirting for my own amusement, the thrill, and the desire for others to desire me. I began to think of myself as getting my kicks at the expense of others who were lonely and looking for love. I do not think that flirting is necessarily a sin, but sometimes it can cause others to be hurt.

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