I think I'ma go catch up on some of that candy I could have been eating since kindergarten or so. Where do I start? -XD MS
Happy Saint(an) Valentines Day!
by Ex-Dub MS 10 Replies latest jw friends
Happy Gold Digger's Day!!! Happy Unnecessary Attention To Ungrateful Women Day!!!
Sheeesh, Misery Loves Elders...
Bitter, much??
How about those funny little candy hearts? I always enjoyed them!!
Of course, everything will be CHEAPER tomorrow - hint, hint...
Misery, you could save a bundle - and soften that cold woman's heart [if there is such a beastie in your life...] - by getting her candy and roses TOMORROW - tell her it's an UN-Valentine's gift...
Ex-Dub MS
I'm waiting for my wonderful never-been-a-JW-in-her-life missus to call me after they deliver her flowers at the office, where all her female friends can see I spent $$$ on her today. And she got the purse she'd been staring at for a couple months yesterday, filled with other gifts (including a R-rated movie) just before I took her to brunch that set me back a hundred-and-change. And I'll do it again next year too. Just watch me!
Holidays rock! I'm never giving these lil' suckers up.
But that's just my opinion.
Thanks ExDub for the Valentine wishes! Sounds like your lady is going to have a good day! It's been a very happy day here at the office-all the ladies are in a great mood. They put on a pot-luck lunch with lots of good food.
I got my hubby some cologne and a nice travel mug for his coffee. And when I get home, I'm going to grill steak and make baked potato's, green beans and maybe some peach cobbler for him and my 3 son's.
It's wonderful to celebrate holidays, even Hallmark ones! lol
Ex-Dub MS
Oh, I'm also wearing a Ralph Lauren polo she bought me for V-Day today. It's not all about her. But mostly!
Simps everywhere spending money.......
Ex-Dub MS
I'm still gainfully employed, have it in my pocket and have someone I'm happy to spend it on, so why not?
You're a sweet man EDM
Ex-Dub MS
I don't know about all that I just want my CANDY back. Easter won't know what hit it!