Forgive me if you have been awakened from your hiatus for a while. Nice to see you postin' again! ((HUGS)) to all! Mwah!
Welcome back Vampy
by mamalove 14 Replies latest jw friends
Umm...... thanks mamalove.
I do appreciate my friends (and fans(?)) here and I love you all. I'm grateful that people here have noticed my appearances and absences. Also, I have been peeking in from time to time. I needed a break and I had to do things. This place can get really nutty. (Like inmates running the assylum...)
I'm not an attention w***e, really. I'm simply not inclined to announce my comings and goings and there are many others here who do the same.
I'd like to give a shout out to some of my friends who also aren't here ATM: Darth plagueis, cognizant dissident and Hadit. I miss you guys.
PS: In memory of other posters who are MIA...
Yes Vamp, I miss my Darth plagueis
I consider Vamp , Elderelite, and Darth the " Boiler room Boys"
Where I used to work at the guys used to take breaks in the boiler room
and sneak a drink.
Please come back Plagueis, I don't care what name you come back as just come back
Hey Vampy, yeah good to see you back here posting ! I've missed your intelligent and thought provoking posts ! Don't leave again or we might have to suck your blood ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome back.
Welcome back,
Vamp, what are you doing back here?
You should be in a strip-joint, getting the circulation going in that bloodless body of yours!
It's really too bad that we don't see darthie HERE anymore but at least I can keep tabs on him on Facebook. I still don't understand why he can't log in. Maybe something like what happened to Mouthy maybe... ((((((wassie))))))
I had my reasons for taking a break and I had my reasons for coming back. Even when I'm missing, I'm not gonna be totally gone...
Hi yourself. I know you posted something on another thread about yours truly, so it wouldn't be right for me to ignore ya. It would be a bit of a snub...
I missed you too, Tammy girl! ((((((tec)))))) It was nice of you to PM me while I was away. You know that I was checking in.
Funny that you're here on this thread but thanks anyway. I don't waste my money on that crap. I can't indulge myself on overpriced beer and boobs...
Yes indeed, welcome back VampireDCLXV
I quit!
I wondered where you went. Nice to see you posting again.