The Sun is Alive and Exerts Power

by sabastious 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Tell me if I am crazy, but I think the human race is ignoring something extremly simple. When we go outside on a cloudless day... we all seem to ignore the giant burning ball in the sky.

    Think about it.

    The sun truly is the Bringer of All Earthen Life; without it's effects we would all perish. Did you know we have never sent a probe to the sun? It's too damn hot! The sun exists in a physical realm that is truly separate from our own. If, somehow, we could transport someone directly to the sun they would turn to ash and disappear almost instantaneously; it is not a place for humans.

    The Earth's perfect distance from the sun is the foundational cause of all life on Earth. Too much distance from the sun and we freeze to death while not enough renders the planet too hot for life. Since the sun came before the Earth it is safe to consider the possibility of the Sun being the sole cause of Earth's life-housing properties.

    Let's continue on.

    Eventually humans popped up on this planet. We know that we were not always here and that the smart ones didn't come onto the scene until recently. How do you think these early Sharp Thinking Humans reacted to the physical world around them?

    According to what these humans left behind they gave heavy consideration to the sky and everything in it. Why wouldn't they? The sky is full of mystique and wonder if you don't know what the hell it is.

    The sun's role in their lives was blatently obvious:

    When the sun went down humans became limited. Nocturnal predators would rule the night because of their significantly superiour abilities after the sun retreated. The humans must have sought shelter for the night. And, of course, some humans must have embraced the night and it's challenges. Based on what I have seen and heard any perceived challenge is eventually attempted by humans in one way or another. There is no reason to think that they didn't have the more adventurous type back then too.

    As a side note: what is Satan/Evil referred to as sometimes? An Angel of Night? A Dark Angel? How many times have you heard a devil-like character referred to as "The Dark One"? This trend to glorify the struggle of the ultimate ends of the spectrum of Good and Evil is ancient.

    Moving on.

    From this early human perspective, who or what would be the sun's perceived Nemesis? Naturally it would be the moon, correct? The moon reigns while the sun is indisposed for whatever reason they could think up. If the moon reigns when the sun, the Bringer of Life, is away then they must have thought the moon to have something to do with Death since it is rarely around with the sun. If you were going to personify the moon it would naturally be the outcast or the misunderstood or even the villian.

    This seems, to me, very plausible ancient human activity that could have set down the framework for what we now refer to as Good and Evil.

    Good = the Sun and Evil = the Night

    Once I started applying this thinking to writings of Good and Evil, including sacred texts, I starting seeing some striking patterns. I know it's stupid simple, but the answers to some of the most puzzling riddles can be stupidly simple.

    Now I'm not going to sit here and say that the Sun is a lifeform, but I am going to say that that is a cool science fiction concept. That said, whether or not the Sun is sentient or not it holds, possibly, some significant spiritual answers since we currently have no way to reach the sun. It is, for the most part, an untapped source of information.

    The sun truly is alive and exerts power. It is a somber thought for me to think about how much adoration, as well as credit, it recieved from our ancients yet, to us, it's just what gets in our eyes when trying to get home from work.


  • mrsjones5

    I maybe off-topic but the premise of your topic reminds me of a short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

    When The World Screamed

    Just wanted to relate that.

    Carry on.

  • Satanus

    Right on. And, sun worship is the natural consequence. Not that i espouse it, or am into it. I also reserve that the sun may have a form of sentience, not that it would notice us, though, if it were. Speeded up recordings of it's electromagnetic activity are a lot like some of the whale songs.


  • sabastious
    Right on. And, sun worship is the natural consequence. Not that i espouse it, or am into it. I also reserve that the sun may have a form of sentience, not that it would notice us, though, if it were. Speeded up recordings of it's electromagnetic activity are a lot like some of the whale songs.

    Sun worship is a more real thing to me now. I'm not really interested in performing spiritual rituals in reverence of the Sun, but I do think it deserves more credit in the Grand Scheme than it currently gets.


  • TheJigsUp

    hang on tho, it was sunny today and the moon was in the sky too, and it certainly also exerts power.

    come to think of it many things are alive and they exert power.

    could you attribute the same to magnetism, electricity, gravity, even the theorised supermassive blackhole at the center of the galaxy?

    but i get some of your point, we do take it for granted.

    But we take lots of other stuff for granted too.

    ungrateful currs that we are.

  • sabastious
    could you attribute the same to magnetism, electricity, gravity, even the theorised supermassive blackhole at the center of the galaxy?

    You could not because the forces you described, save electricty later on, could not be simply demonstrated by the ancients.

    It was easy to prove that the Sun was needed for life. Magnetism or gravity are not a concepts as easily explained, or percieved, as the sun is. One only needs to attempt to look at the sun to observe it's power over humans. If humans wanted to deify something for the first time, the sun is going to be the your obvious choice.


  • sabastious

    I'm glad you brought up that point Jigs, it brings me into my second line of thinking in this topic.

    Even now, with all our technology and understanding, no one on this planet can prove to me that the Sun will to rise again tomorrow. We can estimate the probability of the Sun rising tomorrow morning since it has every day for all of our existence. Who knows really though? We can't travel to the sun, we can only magnify it from our position. Our BEST vantage point of the sun is what it was doing 8 minutes ago. The sun is truly mysterious; it could have properties that we are unaware of that just might make it go out or start to move from it's fixed location. At that point we would all perish.

    What stopped the ancients from becoming paranoid that the sun would not rise again one day? They must have been fearful of the prospect; some of them would no doubt take a conservative approach and not worry about it. They would continue to tend to the more immediate concerns. Yet some would think such actions were foolish and that the fate of all life was hanging on the hope that this "Sun" would continue to provide the life day in and day out. Well some of our ancients would not just stand around and have their hopes and dreams attached to the whims of the Sun. The Sun doesn't talk, it doesn't interact, there is no relationship. That must have gave some of our ancestors an empty feeling inside. They wanted to have a relationship with their Creator.

    Remember, there are always forces in this world that prefer the night; even some humans. Why wouldn't these Entities of the Night take measures to ensure more night or more darkness? Some entities would prefer eternal darkness. Some of our ancients probably thought that the Moon was intellegent and hated the Sun. So much so that the Moon and it's followers just might have a plan to destroy the Sun and reign in darkness for all time. The moon doesn't get the majority of the earth's time, maybe it's jealous?

    You see, their is no reason to believe that early humans didn't think these things. And they couldhave set the framework for Organized Spirituality. Because, in the end, what is Organized Spirituality? It is a way out of the looming eternal darkness:

    "We better do what God says before it's too late, before we are consumed by the darkness."

    Paranoia. A human trait that is still rampant on this planet.


  • DagothUr

    I have no doubts that Christianity originates in the ancient pagan rites of nature worship.

  • doofdaddy

    Check George Carlin on sun worship on U Tube. Funny and true!

  • ambersun

    Fascinating topic Sab. What you say makes perfect sense to me

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