SBF: The thread is about the claim that JWs are the fastest growing faith which involves comparison. Citing immigration as an explanation for why JWs are growing faster would only make sense if JWs benefitted from immigration more than other religious groups, which may be true but has not been demonstrated.
And it's about the #s showing JW's growth in the US of what ... 25,000 new members (net positive)? A lot are making a big deal about it. Personally, as I already made clear,it doesn't bother me that JWs or any other religion has growth. But I happen to have personally observed enough Spanish vs English growth in recent years, that I do know where most of the numbers come from in the US.
I don't know where SBF lives, but I do know two things. If you're in an English hall in the US and you've really seen growth from the territory, you're an exception to the norm. The COs and Bethelites have confirmed for several years now that there has been mainly negative growth. If it weren't for young children getting baptized and a few unbelieving mates - the decline of JWs in English would be more notable. As it is, I can't even count anymore how many circuits assemblies I've been to where the baptisms have been in the single digits - mostly teens and youngsters. This is not just me - this is across the US in most English circuits.
The other thing I know is that Spanish has been doing amazing, not just in the US but in Mexico as well. I think (can't verify it 100%), JWs may be the 2nd biggest religion in Mexico after catholics. So now, English and Spanish and all foreign language groups combined gain a net plus+ of 25,000.
How much of that is Spanish? Observable entire new circuits in Spanish but not english - JWs offerring Spanish classes to get people to 'help where the need/growth is great'. Not to mention the social dynamics of hispanic families. Usually much larger than non-hispanic families. They also are more connected as families, meaning, when one member converts, it usually results in other family members converting.
So of the net+ 25000 that added a 4% growth rate to JWs in the US by this one study, I'd say the majority of the growth comes from Spanish 1st, other foreign languages 2nd, English last if any at all. Not hard to imagine that the 25,000 net plus, most of that comes from Spanish. It's not a huge number, and imho 4%, if its true, is not that big of a jump for the US. But as the COs and current bethelites have confirmed, it is not english that is growing. Period. End of story.