Hi, I used to be a JW, but too many things bothered me. This is a good site. Thanks.
Hi, I'm new
by clearbrook5.0 26 Replies latest jw friends
chicken little
Welcome to the site
Mad Sweeney
Welcome. Have you read the information at jwfacts.com and freeminds.org yet? They're both excellent.
Also, you may enjoy reading "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz and "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan.
hello and welcome to you !
Loz x
Hi, and welcome !
Hello. Welcome.
Fairly new myself. Nice to meet you. Look forward to hearing your story in due course.
Welcome CB5.0! Glad you woke up. Hope you didn't waste too much time 'in'.
I found Stephen Covey's books "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and "First Things First" really helped me untwist the crap placed on me from my childhood. "Be Proactive" is completely contradictory to and far more empowering than "Wait on Jehovah".
Still working on it though. Shucking the judgmental behaviours has been wonderful! Such a weight lifted off once I decided I would no longer judge people based on a set of false doctrines.
Hope you will contribute your experiences here. It helps us all.
Yan Bibiyan
Glad you found us here. Congrats on your Awake... (ahem) Awakening!
Tell us more about yourself and what drove you out of the borg.
Welcome Clear! I can't wait to read you story when you are ready to share it.