I saw that when I was in. They were using this line of crap to get people to throw away their music--claiming that if people don't obey rules with their music, they wouldn't obey more important rules (which are themselves unnecessary). Throwing away perfectly good clothing because they are not satisfied with colored shirts or getting rid of your bag because they rule that a different style is "more proper" are other good examples.
Yet, where are those witlesses that are perfect when it comes to these stupid rules, yet are molesting children and silencing the victims? Doesn't the same Bible that says "He who is faithful in what is least is also faithful in what is greatest" also condemn those who "strain out the gnat and gulp down the camel"? I think so. And, I find it very offensive if someone is very strict with the music and keeps up with the clothing rules, only to kill and eat babies (and hide that fact, playing it down to the media) or that molests and silences children. Or those who are very strict with music and dress code only to play down those in the congregations they are supposed to be responsible for doing these vile acts.