Just thought I'd add this by poster 'pmljohn' (I thought he summed it up well as a newbie):
"So I just signed up to this site - I just have to say this before answering the question. Whenever I read postings, be it on gossip sites, political discussions, or religion, I do not understand those people who use ridiculous terminology to describe what they dislike so much. "Field Circus," "Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund," "Littertrash," etc. I see the same thing when discussing politics, people using disparaging terms for Obama, Republicans, Liberals, Right Wing, you name it. The first thing that comes to my mind is the maturity of the people who cannot get over their dislike enough to use real words. It really discounts the seriousness of your complaints. It undermines the poster, because people read that crap and start to question whether or not it was the religion or the person. Did the religion fail the person, or did the person just have a really poor attitude, a lack of maturity, an unwillingness to try? Now alot of us know the real answers, because we were once part of all of this. But for those still in, reading this, or those just looking from the outside, it does not help the cause of real truth much, to read these immature postings. "
I should have linked to his original post, but you can look him up if you want...