Lease cars for circuit overseers (worldwide arrangement)

by Gorbatchov 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Yesterday evening a letter of the dutch (Netherlands) branch of the Watchtower Society was read to the congregation. It stated that the Governing Body has made a new arrangement for circuit overseers worldwide: the Society provides a lease car. It was backed with some bible texts (...) and the conclusion was that it was financial cheaper for the congregations. The Society will charge the congregation 7,5 euro for every publisher yearly, for our congregation it is yearly totally 750 euro. Everybody was very quiet. There was no voting resolution, it just happens...

    For the Netherlands: 30000 publishers x 7,5 euro = 225000 euro yearly.

    Somewhat different with the early christian community situations, they (and Jesus!) used donkeys.

  • miseryloveselders

    You gotta love it, you gotta love it. They don't work, they don't have jobs, they get paid for delivering talks, scolding congregations, going out in field service, and recieve hospitalization, a monthly stipend, a leased car in good condition, meals provided by the congregations they visit, people worshiping and brown-nosing them...........

  • skeeter1

    Wasn't there some $7.50 (US Dollar) contribution arrangement a few years back, something for health insurance or insurance for the COs? I can't remember for certain, can someone help me out? What is it with $7?

  • sir82

    This arrangement has been in place in the US for at least 20 years.

    For being "no part of the world", they sure have a lot of tentacles spread out!

  • Gayle

    wow,,that is about in dollars (U.S.ese) $10+ per pub (@current exchange rate?).. Since there are 7,224,930 pubs. globally, that would come to $72,249,300 a year to lease cars for all COs world over.

  • miseryloveselders

    Here's a game, pick out which words, phrases, and potential scenarios are not found within the Bible. To the winner, I'll PM my real name, and what city I reside in for an oppurtunity to snitch on me to the local branch in my locality.

    Does the Bible say anything the Governing Body directing the early 1st Century Branches and Kingdom Halls to give the 1st Century Circuit Overseer Paul chariot insurance, and a leased donkey, or horse with accompanying chariot?

  • blondie
  • Gayle

    Just figuring. . . .

    In the U.S., pubs.= 1,115,786 Avg. pubs. per cong = 86

    Average congs. per circuit(?) = 20

    Average pubs per circuit = 1,720 times $10 (per pub.) = $17,200

    $17,200 /รท 12 = $1433/mo to lease.

    Can't cost that much to lease a car for one circuit overseer!!! Big time "PROFIT" is happening somewhere!!

  • VM44

    And the JWs say they don't have a PAID CLERGY CLASS?

  • tia.dalma

    In our congregasion there was no announcement about this...

    But I don't like it.

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