Perhaps they are counting the deceased ones also, AND ALL JW'S SINCE THEIR EARLY START IN 1874!!!
How is it f'n possible JW's biggest religious increase 4.4%
by troubled mind 43 Replies latest watchtower bible
It shouldn't surprise us if the Watchtower is experiencing an increase. It's during times
of difficulty that people start looking at other explanations for what appears a
failing system. The shrinking middleclass, the economic mess and the apparent
inaction of Government all make for uncertain times. The Watchtower speaks
of a new system under God that will change all this. It is an attractive message
for many. Sadly, what they do not recognize is the price they have to pay
once they become associated.
In Britain it has been a 1% increase
2,611 baptised , but overall increase on 2009 was 795
They are missing 1,816 - where are they?
St George of England
There are lies, damned lies and statistics!
PS. In the 1940's a congregation publisher was expected to put in 60 hours per month. (Yes, that's right 60 hours). It then dropped to 12 hours per month and now if you are old/ill/weak/lazy etc you can just put a quarter of an hour per month and be counted as a congregation publisher.
Imagine what that does to publisher numbers!
utter baloney. sort of like Scientology claiming millions of members when there are probably 150k.
Figures lie and liars figure.
TROUBLED MIND- It's possible because WT society falsifies their figures and they are inbred liars
How is it possible to have an increase in a religion that promotes death due to blood loss ?
and boast an Awake mag to the children who died . How can a religion that discourages
furthering education have an increase in numbers. people are held in this religion because they will
lose family and possibly their livelyhood if they leave, there's no honorable way to leave this cult
if there was, there would be a significant decrease.
Why do we care?
Religion overall is decreasing yippee!
How is it possible to have an increase in a religion that promotes death due to blood loss ?
and boast an Awake mag to the children who died . How can a religion that discourages
furthering education have an increase in numbers.
There is a huge market for authoritarianism, in religion, in politics, in just about any area of life.
JWs have no corner on the repressive, restrictive, authoritarian religion market.
If the WTS suddenly shriveled up and died tomorrow, the problem would not be solved. The vast majority of its 7 million adherents would merely pick some other apocalyptic, end-times, high-control religion.
Posters here have escaped the JW religion and are happier for it, but most JWs are happy being JWs because of the lifestyle - not in spite of it.
I'm quite sure the JWs numbers are going up, and I explained the reasons why in my post on page 2. The actual percentage may or may not be as reported, but they continue to be successful because they meet a need.
You might not like it, you might resist the knowldege that they are successful, but that doesn't change that they are.