I know this is a couple years old but I found it referenced on another site and had to share it--assuming it hasn't already been shared.
Time magazine-JW's high turnover
by Lunatic Faith 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Broken Promises
I wasn't aware of it, so thanks!
Here is the quote from the February 2008 article. . .
An even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny Jehovah's Witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds. That means that two-thirds of the people who told Pew they were raised Jehovah's Witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts. Notes Lugo, "No wonder they have to keep on knocking on doors."
Do they really attract the same amount of converts? That is surprising to me. Really, converts??? Or just kids whose parents encourage them to get baptised at 10 years old?
Most of the increase is in the developed world , I would say 90% of that, comes from within. Kids getting dunked .
The third world (no Internet, in a lot of it, no access to it for most) has shown quite an influx, but is beginning to experience turn-over.
What we want to see is, not turn-over, but net loss, and that loss growing.
This survey clearly shows that if witnesses new all the negative things about being a witness, instead of only being told about the positive things, many would not join up and so less would leave. However that aint gonna happen.
Jw's used to like to quote from Time Magazine as they often condemned the Catholic church..I bet this article didn't show up in their Awake magazine...
Oh yes Leavingwt,
that quote should be embossed in gold
Lunatic Faith
When trying to find this article I went to time.com and just looked up Jehovah's Witnesses. The articles go back over 60 years. Time has never been a friend of the WBTS. None of their articles were very flattering.
Do they really attract the same amount of converts? Or just kids whose parents encourage them to get baptised...?
Dubs are baptizing their kids, otherwise there'd be countless conventions with zero baptisms.