There is a more to this story than meets the eye.
by Meeting Junkie No More 27 Replies latest social current
There is a more to this story than meets the eye.
It has been thoroughly debunked - but paranoia strikes deep.
leaving wt: Have you watched the video? Please watch and then comment.
watch what?
you mean watch trash..........
I'll waste and make better use of the time watching something good for my health, like pron
Da Cheech, do you always dismiss things out of hand before even considering them? Sounds like a holdover from the 'witness' mindset. Carry on with the 'pron' then. If you had a valid rebuttal to the points made in the presentation, of course, I'd be interested to hear any.
If it's a video claiming that Andrew Wakefield is a victim in some grand conspiracy there's no point in my watching it.
With the greatest of respect mrsjones, how do you know what the video is about if you DON'T WATCH IT?
I read the short journal article you posted in the other thread. However, I believe it is best to see all sides of an issue before making up one's mind to accept any report, whether it purports to debunk another report or not. Listen to the PARENTS of the children in the original study. Their voices are being heard in this video.