Greetings, dear Perry, and peace to you! Unfortunately, your conclusions here are way off. WAY off... and I have been directed by my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, to expound these things to you, more accurately, if you will allow me to do so - Thank you!
25:31 - Jesus then says the Kingdom would begin when Christ comes with all His angels.
This is correct! However...
25:32-46 - The Judgment of the people of all nations. (The sheep and goat judgment)
This is incorrect, as the sheep and goats are not judged, literally, but separated (so that their "judgment" is technical). This event (the separating) starts at the beginning of the 1,000-year reign... and occurs throughout. This, in fact, is what the "holy nation of kings and priests" who rule with Christ DO during their reign with him.
This is a judgment of the individual Gentiles who are alive having survived the Great Tribulation.
This is an error. Those who "come out of the great tribulation" have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb; the sheep, however, are given life due to their good deeds toward Christ (by means of their good deeds toward the least ones of his brothers). Second, the Judgment doesn't take place until a little over 1,000 years later.
It is referred to as the "Judgment of Nations" as verse 32 specifically states.
Not only does Verse 32 not "specifically state" a judgment of the nations, no judgment is referred to at all. The verse sets forth the separation of the nations by my Lord... some to his right, some to his left. But that is not a judgment.
However, it means individuals of the nations of the earth, not a whole nation or a nation as a whole. No nation is made up of all saved or all unsaved people, thus the judgment is of individuals of the nations of earth.
This is also incorrect. The verse states ALL of the nations, so the nation of Israel would be included; and ALL of Israel will be saved. So, there IS at least one nation made up of all saved people.
This judgment is referred to in Joel 3:1-3:
Actually, the judgment referred to in Joel occurs "after the thousand years have ended"... after the goats (Gog) have been destroyed at Har-Mageddon, even after Satan has been destroyed. Which is when the Judgment takes place.
Note that this judgment of the Gentiles takes places at the same time that God restores the Nation of Israel to their land.
The Most Holy One of Israel restores "Israel" to "their" land, dear one, BEFORE this separating takes place, which separating IS the Millennium. "NEW Jersualem" IS the restoration. At that time, Israel is made up of 144,000 "from among the sons of Israel" AND a great crowd out of every nation, tribe, tongue, and people, which crowd came out of the tribulation. "New Jerusalem" comes down out of heaven TO the earth... and in her Christ and his co-rulers sit down on their thrones. Then the rest of the nations (those who did NOT wash their robes in Christ's blood) are brought before them... and separated... based on whether they did good to these (and indeed, all of Christ's brothers, even the least ones, so the Jews/Israelites) or not.
because those that are accepted are taken "into" the kingdom. (Matt. 25:34)
If they did such good, yes, THEY are NOW given white robes and granted entry to the City (i.e., they become a part of her, as her subjects), unlike the crowd that come out of the tribulation (they wash their robes white in the Lamb's blood!). If they did NOT do good, they are "cut off" from entry; however, they are NOT destroyed... yet.
This judgment takes place on earth as the Lord divides the saved from the lost living inhabitants of this world. (Matt. 24:41-42 the "rapture" or catching away of the lost)
It does takes place on the earth, as New Jerusalem is on... and, therefore, ruling UPON... the earth, by this time; however, the "rapture"... or "catching away of the 'lost'" involves the sheep, not the goats (Gog, who you term as "lost living"). They "rapture"... in the same was as those of the Body of Christ who had not died when he returned... are changed (metamorphoso)... "in a twinkling"... at the SAME TIME as those who HAVE died... are resurrected and changed... all to spirit bodies... and taken to meet my Lord in the air. These are given white robes (spirit bodies)... and taken into the City. Inside her, their place is in "the Courtyard" of the Gentiles (vs. the Courtyards of the Priests, Israel, and Women)... which are further in or "higher" places within the "temple."
The saved are those on earth who believed and by faith were saved during the Seven Year Tribulation and survived unto the Second Coming.
Sorry, but that is inaccurate. The "saved" here are the sheep that did good to Christ by doing good to his brothers. They are the subjects of the kingdom. Those who came out of the tribulation, however, are those of the nations who accepted Christ, and thus washed their robes white in his blood... and rule WITH Israel (144,000 from among the sons of Israel), as kings and priests in that kingdom.
There is no resurrection involved here and no mention of a judgment of the dead.
Because the first resurrection had already occurred (just prior to this separating event, when Christ returned and "gathered" his chosen ones, those who died and those who had not died)... and the second resurrection (which IS Judgment Day... and involves those who ARE judged) doesn't occur for a little more than 1,000 years later.
God is judging living people on earth. Joel 3:2, says it will take place in the Valley of Jehoshaphat." Some believe this is the Valley of Berachah (2 Chron. 20:26) where Jehoshaphat defeated the Moabites and Ammorties, which gave the valley a new name. Others refer to the place as being the Valley of Kidron outside Jerusalem. Others refer to Zecharaih 14:4, which says the Lord will return to the Mount of Olives and a great valley will be opened. Jehoshaphat means "Jehovah judges."
My Lord does not judge, dear one; God does, when the Son turns the kingdom back over to him FOR the Judgment. The Judgment occurs AFTER the Most Holy One of Israel sits down on HIS throne to DO such judging... which is AFTER Satan himself is cast into the Lake of Fire (Gehenna)... which is AFTER Gog (the goats) and Magog have been destroyed... which is AFTER Satan is loosed and goes out to mislead them... which is AFTER Christ and his co-rulers sit down on their thrones and have separated the sheep from the goats... which is AFTER Satan is abyssed... which is AFTER Christ returns to gather his chosen ones and is joined in marriage to them... which is AFTER the great tribulation. Daniel, Paul, and John all bear witness to this event and its sequence.
Thus the valley of Jehosphaphat is the name of this new valley where Christ will judge the nations. No one can be dogmatic as to the place of this judgment.
No, dear one. "Har-Mageddon is the name of this valley, this "place.". It is where GOD, who is NOT Christ... wages HIS War... which results in the destruction of Gog and Magog. And the Judgment takes place AFTER this War... before the Throne of the Most Holy One of Israel, the Ancient of Days, JAH... of Armies.
Your writer holds to the latter view, which seems to be more likely. The basis of this judgment is based on how they treated "my brethren" (Matt. 25:40) which refers to saved Jews they had contact with during the Tribulation. God sends, at the beginning of the Tribulation, 144,000 Jewish evangelists who preach all over the world. (Rev. 7:1-8, 14:1-5)
I am not sure where this teaching is contrived from but there is at least one verifiable error: the 144,000 are not all Jews. Only 24,000 (those from Judah and Benjamin) are Jews. The rest represent the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel... who were not and are not Jews. For some reason, folks insist on calling Israel "Jews". Jews are only TWO of the 12 tribes... and Israel IS made up of 12 tribes. While it is true that salvation BEGINS with the Jews (because that is DAVID'S line and Christ's, and so it starts with them), it then goes to the Samaritans (which is the 10-tribed kingdom) and then to the [non-Israelite] nations. But all of Israel aren't Jews, dear one.
This division of nations is based on how the Gentiles received these Jewish preachers of the Gospel that determines their salvation.
Please see above...
The main focus of the Antichrist, who is possessed by Satan will be to destroy the Jews in the Tribulation.
This is an error. For one, most Jews don't recognize or accept Christ... which would make them part of the "antichrist". The main focus of the anti-Christ, then, would be those who are joined to Christ. Whether Jew OR Gentile. Satan doesn't care about Abraham's seed... as much as he cares about the seed of the Woman (Revelation 12:17). It is these that he wars with, seeks to devour. He is their enemy, and Christ's; not Abraham's, per se. He tries to crush this seed (perhaps by crushing the Jews, but I have not heard this from my Lord, nor do I see the point in it)... when he misleads Gog and Magog to believe that they can "conquer" the Holy City. Which is made of Jews AND Gentiles. It is then that the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... fulfills HIS promise... to put my Lord's enemies under his feet. My Lord does not do this himself - the Father does it FOR him.
If the Jews could be destroyed the Millennial kingdom promised to Israel could not occur and God would default on His promises.
Ummmmm... killed, dear one, is not the same as destroyed. The Jews can only be killed in this light, but not destroyed. Because the spirit must be destroyed and there is only ONE who do that... in Gehenna. Thus, the promise can never be thwarted. Delayed, as it has been, yes. Thwarted, no.
Thus this is Satan's goal in using the Antichrist and His forces to destroy Jews from off the earth.
First, Satan cannot preclude/usurp/prevent a resurrection, dear Perry. And it would take that, wouldn't it, to thwart the kingdom promise? Second, where, pray tell, is anything said about the antichrist trying to destroy ANYONE?? Third, you refer to "the Antichrist." Yet, are there not MANY "antichrists". I fear you have been watching way too many "Omen" type movies! I also fear that you are combining the "man of lawlessness" with the "antichrist"... which are two totally different entities!
This is not a judgment in the sense that those saved worked for their salvation by doing the good deeds of helping these Jewish evangelists. Salvation is never received because of one's good works. (Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 4:5)
This is only partly true. Faith is MANIFEST... by works. Indeed, Abraham KNEW the Most Holy One of Israel would resurrect Isaac. He had such faith; however, he DEMONSTRATED his faith... by taking Isaac up, tying his hands... and putting him on the altar.
The works of compassion shown to the 144,000 is evidence that these Gentiles, who are to be part of the Kingdom, believed their message that Jesus was the Messiah (Savior) and accepted the message of Christ these men preached. They were saved the same way all men are saved, by believing and receiving Jesus Christ (Messiah) as their Savior.
Yet, not even all of the Jews believe and accept this truth. Which goes contrary to your premise that it is the Jews that the anti-Christ will seek to destroy. Indeed, if the verse is true, then the Jews (in general) would be PART of the antichrist... and a house divided against itself cannot stand.
The result of these who believed are that they enter into the kingdom alive in their natural bodies. They are not resurrected, but remain in their human bodies unchanged.
Yet, another error: they are not resurrected, true, but they ARE changed: from the "corruptible" body... the unclean outer garment, which is the fleshly body... to an INcorruptible body... the CLEAN outer garment... which is a spirit body. These are given WHITE "robes", too! Why? So that, like those who rule over them... and the angels... they can "go in AND out (and find pasturage)... between the spirit and physical worlds.
They remain alive
Yes! Like those who meet the Lord in the air, but were not resurrected: they are changed... "in a twinkling."
and they with the saved Jews who remain alive at the end of the Seven Years populate the world in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth. This tells who the earthly inhabitants of the Kingdom will be.
Where are you GETTING these things, dear one?!! They will be "like the angels"... and thus, "neither marrying nor being given in marriage." So... what "populate" the world?
This fulfills the prophecy of Daniel 7:14, Isa. 55:5, and Micah 4:2 which state a large group of Gentiles will have a part in the kingdom.
These prophecies fulfill the PROMISE that a large group of gentiles will be kings and priests, dear one, along WITH those chosen from Israel. (Revelation 5:9, 10).
Note also that there will be many Jews alive and these will be the ones who actually inherit the earth in the Millennium kingdom. The Jews who have died will be resurrected and in their spiritual bodies they too will take part in the kingdom.
It is not only Jews who inherit the kingdom, dear one, nor only Jews who will be resurrected. He is not a Jew who is one on the outside - he is a Jew... who is one ON THE INSIDE.
The "goats" are pictured on the left hand of the Savior, and Matthew 25:41 states they are condemned "into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."
Yes! But they don't go NOW, at the time they are separated! They go at the END of the 1,000 years... along with Magog.
They had the same opportunity as the "sheep" who received the Gospel and repented of their sins.
Which included MANY Gentiles... and not so many Jews! So, again, your conclusions are erroneous!
They heard the message of the 144, 000 and other saints saved during this period, but rejected it and thus sealed their eternal doom.
This is a WTBTS teaching. Their "doing good" to Christ isn't based on them hearing some message - it is based on how they LITERALLY treated Christ, through their treatment of his brothers. This is the purpose of the account of the "Good Samaritan"!
Matthew 24:41-42 explains that these who reject the Messiah during the Tribulation will be caught up, removed from the earth and judged.
Dear one... "listening" to the message of Christ's brothers started with the Apostles. How one treats Christ's brothers also started then... and will culminate during the tribulation. However, such ones, while separated during this period... are not destroyed, yet. My Lord curses them and tells them their future; however, they are misled (along with Magog, wicked spirit beings) by Satan into believing they can change that future... IF they can "conquer" the Holy City... gain entrance (from which they've been cut off)... and eat [from the Tree of Life, in the MIDST of the City]... and thus live forever. It is for this reason that "fire comes down out of heaven"... and destroys them. Body AND spirit.
Those left on earth are saved people, the elect, who will enter the Kingdom Age.
They are saved... and able to go in AND out, between the spirit and physical realms, dear ones. As spirit beings have always been able to do. They will be able to enter into both the Holy AND the Most Holy... because there will be no "curtain" of flesh to prevent them. But, there is no Kingdom Age, dear one. An "Age" ends... however, their lives... and the Kindgom... will have no end. The Kingdom will be forever.
The place of their torment is called the, "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." This plainly is a reference to "Gehenna" the "Lake of Fire" (Revelations 20:14)
Yes, but these are not cast into that Lake; rather, fire FROM that Lake "comes down out of heaven" and destroys them.
and not to "Hades" the present abode of the unsaved dead.
This is incorrect. "Hades" is the world of the dead... and will one day give up the dead in it ("The time when come when ALL those in the memorial tombs will come out")... as does the sea and death. This will be the time of the resurrection "of the righteous AND the unrighteous". Some to life (everlasting) and some to death (everlasting). THIS... is the Judgment. These are those who were NOT alive at the time Christ returned, and didn't belong to him. However, like those who WERE alive when he returned, and received life by means of how they treated his brothers, these, too, may receive life... if their names are written in the Lamb's Book [of life]:
"And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
"I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
"When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth-Gog and Magog-and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
"Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire."
Satan is never said to be in Hades, the present abode of the lost who are awaiting the final judgment or his angels.
No, Satan went to the pit of the abyss, its lowest place... the bottom... which is much "lower" than Hades.
Revelations 20:10, says that Satan will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, before the judgments of the unsaved lost at the Great White Throne judgment (Revelations 20:11-15).
YES! Which is AFTER the 1,000 years... which is AFTER the separation of the sheep from the goats... which AFTER my Lord returns... which is AFTER the tribulation!
Thus this verse is saying the lost of the Great Tribulation are judged and condemned immediately to the eternal Lake of Fire and are not a part of the Great White Throne judgment that happens after the Millennium.
No, dear one. While there are two resurrections... there is only ONE Judgment. The "lost" that you are speaking of... the "goats"... are those who were separated from the "sheep." They are Gog... who, along with the "lost" spirit beings, Magog... are gathered and destroyed at Har-Mageddon. They are not resurrected because they are alive at the time my Lord returns and separates them. They are those who are on the roof or in the field but are left behind... cut off... when the "sheep" are taken, given white robes... and granted entry.
I hope this helps and, again, I bid you peace
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with, and a slave of Christ,