Things I'm grateful for....

by Lunatic Faith 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Nugget--Very profound. I think we can all agree with those.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My life is no longer stifled following someone else's mandates on how I should live it ,and that makes me so very thankful ! I am in my late forties and just now getting to live and express my TRUE self ....I am thankful I have whatever time is left of my life to really enjoy it now .

    This is a silly small example of the little joys I treasure now :

    I work with some older retired men driving School Bus. One of those men named Bob had a birthday this past week . I love Bob ,he is a sweet guy that is always making small kind gestures like treating some of the girls at work to breakfast when we are on the road for field trips . He is also a prankster ! Well this week I bought him a funny birthday card and a huge stuffed Monkey ,and it felt so good to see the joy it brought to him . He sat the monkey on his lap and made it look like it was driving when he was in the parking lot .He had such a silly grin on his face ,and the little kids on his bus were all laughing ..... His wife recently had a stroke and it has taken an emotional toll on him .So to see him smiling and being silly again for even a short time made my day .

    I thought to myself later that day:

    "If I was still a Witness I would not have done that .....and look what goodness and joy I would have missed ."

    I have also made it a practice to give small gifts to the kids on my bus when they let me know it is going to be their birthdays .....It brings a tear to my eye to see how so appreciative they are to be remembered on their days . Their little faces beam and eyes light up even when they don't get a gift ,but are just remembered ......It makes me feel like crying when I think how many chances I had with my own kids ,but passed those chances by because it was 'BAD" to celebrate birthdays .

    I am so thankful I no longer allow someone else to dictate my life.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I have been married 30 years and have three teenage sons whose company I can now enjoy unencumbered . . . and I love them madly.

    All of what has been said applies . . . What a joy it is to be free!

    I am grateful most of all however, that I now have a friendship with Jesus Christ that is more meaningful than at any other time in my life. To have the time to ponder his example at length, and yet still have the freedom to lay down my own "line" and walk it with his help . . . no fear . . . no guilt . . . just his unconditional love. And all he expects from me is to give it my best shot . . . not meet some impossible standard under the critical gaze of ego-driven men

  • DesirousOfChange

    JK: I am grateful that my ex-wife is my ex-wife.

    Ever wonder why divorces are so damned expensive?

    Because they're worth it.

  • finallyfree!

    things i am grateful for...

    laying in the sun in the summer, giving to the homeless, seeing my boys laugh and be happy, my true friends, going on a completely random date with someone you meet outta the blue, playing my guitar, good food.

  • tresdecu

    Luna...I am wondering if I know you. Do you live in the vegas area? Does your husband know how to fly a plane?

    Hopefully you don't mind me asking. Maybe I am wrong....& Welcome to the forum btw!

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    No, tresdecu. I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago to visit some ex-JW friends (tried hooka for the first time), but I live in Oregon.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    At this moment, I'm very thankful for the block button on FB. Grrr

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