JW Culture Survey: Two-piece swimsuits? OK for JWs?

by Open mind 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Up front, I'm not talking about JW baptisms. We all know the approved female attire is a "modest" swimsuit and even that's not modest enough, so they slap a big T-shirt over the "modest" swimsuit.

    I'm talking about anywhere else JWs and water would mix: the beach, the pool, the river, etc.

    1. What was acceptable JW female swimwear when & where you grew up?

    2. What's acceptable where you are now?

    And, if you're so inclined, let us know what geographical area you're talking about.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I'm in the UK. Growing up, bikinis were a no-no.

    Now, not so much.

  • mrsjones5

    Grew up in California. Bikinis were ok.

  • mamalove

    yup, fine as long as your knockers were not hanging out too much or ample ass cheek showing.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    In the 70's & 80's where I grew up, a pretty conservative US state, two-piece was definitely a no-no.

    Then I moved to Calipornea and it was JW Girls Gone Wild!

    Uh. OK, not really. But like Mrs Jones said: two-piece is OK in California.


  • Jim_TX

    I think that a lot also depends on what parents would allow - regardless of the others.

    Here in South Texas - my mom, and sisters... well... think shorts and shirts - for the girls (even if they wore a one-piece modest swimsuit underneath). Of course, we didn't get in the water that much, either.

    I don't think that there was too much of a 'dress code' for the gals, but I also seem to rember my family let out a few 'gasps' over what the young gals wore to swimming parties - even over one-piece swimwear.


    Jim TX

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    In Spain most wore bikinis. It was not an issue.

  • NewChapter

    I think it depends on the congregation. Some areas are more conservative than others. I noticed that girls were only gossiped about if they looked really good in their bikini. Somehow, this was less forgivable than looking average in a biking. Busty girls--just forget it. No matter what, they will judge that you are showing your stuff, and that will be deemed bad.

    They play the old familiar word games too. I had one sister argue that a "2 piece" and a "bikini" were different animals. A 2 piece was okay, a bikini was not. Whatever. However they need to justify their choices, I don't care anymore. I suppose, technically, a 2 piece could be a dress-like object with bloomer-like bottoms. That wouldn't be a bikini. But I don't think that is what she was talking about.

  • blondie

    2 pc suits okay as long as no navel showing

    I was astonished at the European brothers who visited Bethel who wore speedos at the beach or pool. Or the pictures of baptisms, ditto.

  • VampireDCLXV

    The fact is that a girl in her right mind would not wear a bikini to her baptism. It's verboten. What does that tell you about the official WTS stance on this? I'm pretty sure that they don't want ANYBODY wearing bikini's on any occasion, period.

    On the other hand, R&F JW's commonly ignore the official WTS byline on many, many things. For instance, they officially preach that people should not get married "in the bloom of youth" (1Cor 7:36) BUT JW youth ignore that advice nine times out of ten! Why? There are other forces at work. When it comes to varying social mores from country to country and region to region, the WTS is almost powerless to maintain uniformity of standards. That tells me right there that the WTS's claims to being "spirit directed" are complete b******t!

    BTW, my sister has been a full time pioneer for a lot of years and she likes to wear bikinis. (I'm sure some would not regard that as a good exaple for the younger ones.) I dunno what thought process is behind all that but, whatever. She probably does it because she looks good and can get away with it; her own teeny bit of rebellion...


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